Bo Fussing cantosoft@identi.ca
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
System administrator, programmer and general technologist. Fanatical devotion to Open Source. We all contribute we all benefit.
Jonathan Nadeau frostbite@identi.ca
Ildefonso, Brazil
I'm a father and husband along with being a blind GNU/Linux user. Who Also is an advocate of accessibility with Free software.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ clackemovedtounlimited@identi.ca
Hong Kong or Sweden
Saving the world by solving first-world problems. Moved to https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .
Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca
Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
Gerard Braad gbraad@identi.ca
Remote (global), Beijing (北京), Amsterdam
[ Doing Open Source Matters | Director of Engineering @UnitedStack | former #ThoughtWorker | #FOSS & IT Consultant | #FullStack #DevOps #Mobile #Web ]
Simon Phipps webmink@identi.ca
Southampton, United Kingdom
Software freedom and digital rights activist, photographer, writer, speaker, consultant, floor wax. Find me via https://webm.ink
Evan Prodromou evan@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Montreal hacker and entrepreneur. Founder of identi.ca, lead developer of pump.io, CEO of E14N Inc.