Charles McColm chaslinux@identi.ca
Resident geek for The Working Centre's Computer Recycling Project.
2013-06-07T20:30:21+00:00 via web To: Public
Reminder that I'll be hosting the Kitchener Waterloo Ubuntu Hour tonight at Egg Roll King, details: http://bit.ly/19PVNnAlaurelrusswurm shared this.
2012-09-07T13:56:53+00:00 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Details for tonight's Ubuntu Hour Kitchener @ Misty Mtn 7pm: http://charlesmccolm.com/2012/09/07/ubuntu-hour-for-september-7-2012/laurelrusswurm, Bob Jonkman, Bob Jonkman shared this.
Sadly, I may not be at #UbuntuHour #Kitchener tonight ( @MistyMtnCoffee, 7pm) We'll see how the day shapes up.2012-04-19T19:02:51+00:00 To: Public
KW Drupal Group tonight @7pm - Semantic Web - Stéphane Corlosquet - details - http://tinyurl.com/84jkebe #Kitchener #Waterloo #Drupal2011-09-06T16:51:06+00:00 To: Public
Wondering what other #Ontario #smartphone users are using in terms of #smartphone and provider? Wind, Rogers, Bell, Virgin, Fido, Other?2011-09-02T22:24:06+00:00 To: Public
All thumbs tonight. #UbuntuHour at Misty Mountain #Kitchener http://is.gd/mgtMiB starts at 7:00pm tonight.2011-09-02T22:22:03+00:00 To: Public
At Misty Mountain for #UbuntuHour ⌨2011-08-31T19:39:25+00:00 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada To: Public
#Ubuntu Hour #Kitchener Friday, Sept 2, 7:00pm at Misty Mountain Cafe - http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1253/detail/Bob Jonkman, Bob Jonkman shared this.
2011-08-19T11:43:25+00:00 To: Public
Our media centre, XBMC: http://charlesmccolm.com/2011/08/19/the-xbmc-project/2011-08-17T18:00:37+00:00 To: Public
30 Days until Software Freedom Day.. set up #kitchener #waterloo page: http://is.gd/OgKlBv - still looking for speakers/volunteers!2011-08-12T19:48:14+00:00 To: Public
Basic things I found helpful using Ubuntu's Unity interface: http://charlesmccolm.com/2011/08/12/ubuntu-unity-help/2011-08-10T01:38:33+00:00 To: Public
Thanks FreeGeekToronto and LinuxCaffe http://is.gd/f9iUID2011-07-29T01:49:46+00:00 To: Public
Holy cow, the Commodore 64 is coming back! http://is.gd/WqzuJH2011-07-28T14:41:19+00:00 To: Public
Anyone have any good open source hard drive testing software suggestions? Been using mfg testing tools and they dump a lot.2010-09-01T01:15:07+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
♺ @hypatiadotca: Bummed to hear that OGLF is cancelled this year: http://ping.fm/FE8DN :(2010-08-28T11:28:33+00:00 To: Public
Activate the Location Bar in Gnome Nautilus: http://is.gd/eI9SA2010-08-28T16:01:28+00:00 To: Public
Ubuntu 10.10 includes Gwibber 2.31.90 with URL shortening enabled by default.2010-08-28T16:00:44+00:00 To: Public
Good article about Ubuntu 10.10's new Ubuntu Software Centre: http://is.gd/eIqTo