Charles McColm chaslinux@identi.ca
Resident geek for The Working Centre's Computer Recycling Project.
Maxwell Draven ravenman@identi.ca
Strelsau, Ruritania
I'm a FLOSS enthusiast with an interest in artificial intelligence, robotics and systems administration
laurelrusswurm laurelrusswurm@identi.ca
the interwebz
I'm a self publishing author, free culture advocate, media artist and a mom. ⇐ Author page: http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/ • Libreleft Books http://libreleft.com ⇓—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ⇒ just now my GNUsocial Instance is under construction (http://s.russwurm.org/laurelrusswurm) | email: laurel.l@russwurm.org ⇑
The Waterloo Region Chapter of the Ubuntu Canada LoCo ubuntuwaterloo@identi.ca
Waterloo, Canada
Follow us for news of jams and release parties, and stuff of interest to Ubuntu users in Waterloo Region.
Bob Jonkman bobjonkman@identi.ca
Elmira, Canada
Computer consultant who occasionally participates in Real Life… ⁂Lather ⁙Rinse ♻Repeat