Christopher Roberts chrisjrob@identi.ca
Guildford, United Kingdom
GNU/Linux, Perl, RepRap 3D Printing and Open Source Nut with a love of sailing.
Peter Cannon dickturpin@identi.ca
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Currently working as a Sales Manager in IT. Co-Host of The Dick Turpin Road Show. Arch Linux user and FOSS advocate.
Jan Wildeboer jwildeboer@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Distributed, federated world domination based on open standards and with Free Software is my goal.
Chad McCullough chadmccullough@identi.ca
Belleville, IL USA
GNU/Linux and Free Software Evangelist, Runner, Bike commuter, Socialist/Green, Vegan.
Richard Smedley richardsmedley@identi.ca
Social entrepreneur, 3rd sector techie, and Free Software supporter. Amateur musician, and former professional organic horticulturist.
Raphaël Hertzog raphaelhertzog@identi.ca
La Talaudière, France
Debian developer, Free software consultant, author of a Debian book. My passion: contributing to debian.
Ken Fallon kenfallon@identi.ca
Paul Tansom aptanet@identi.ca
Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Linux & retro computer geek who likes to sail boats when he can. Keen on wildlife, particularly cetaceans. Run the Portsmouth & SE Hants. Linux User Group.
Jacqui Caren jacquicaren@identi.ca