Richard Smedley richardsmedley@identi.ca
Social entrepreneur, 3rd sector techie, and Free Software supporter. Amateur musician, and former professional organic horticulturist.
2013-06-24T19:11:20+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Have just had a request to borrow some ancient hardware from my (inadvertant) museum of ancient computing #SeeIKnewItWasWorthKeepingItAll2013-06-24T17:55:56+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Just had a whole hour to sing and play guitar - a rare luxury indeed :-)Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
2013-06-24T16:38:30+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: Lisp (programming language), Public
"And yet, [a housebrick] is still a !Lisp system! Lispiness is best understood as a collection of certain unfeatures" Stanislav DatskovskiyJose R Rodriguez shared this.
2013-06-24T05:41:31+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: emacs, Public
Who'd have imagined that by the 2010s, telephones could be just about powerful enough to run !Emacs #TheFutureAintWhatItUsedToBe2013-06-23T07:27:25+00:00 in Davenham, England, United Kingdom via mustard To: Public
Read a great book on drawing techniques & colour blending; awoke to find it was a dream - but I still remember what I learned in the book!@dvdmrsdn I dreamt I was giving a lecture. Someone asked "are you going to talk about drains?" I said yes and everyone left.2013-06-15T17:09:46+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: Public
...even if I spent as much time talking about @UrbanBiosPro's #Biospheric Project (@BF_UK_CIC) & #permaculture, as I did #Health2.0 :)2013-06-15T17:07:18+00:00 in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom via web To: a(n) person, Public
Thanks to everyone at #NWHealthHack for helping with my @LinuxUserMag article - really enjoyed meeting some great ppl & projects today2013-06-15T10:41:08+00:00 in Rode Heath, England, United Kingdom via mustard To: Public
Interesting 1 minute pitches at #NWHealthHack - should be a productive weekend2013-06-12T11:28:03+00:00 via web To: Free Software, Public
Good to hear @Number10gov praising #CreditUnions @ #PMQs. How about funding Cuprium.org to make !FreeSoftware 4 effective social banking?2013-06-11T03:35:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Lovely pink sheen to the sky before sunrise this morning. #TheBenefitsOfNightWork2013-06-10T11:09:36+00:00 in Longport, England, United Kingdom via mustard To: Public
Have crossed the Pennines. Looking forward to time with @UKpermaculture this afternoon.2013-06-07T10:29:10+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
"Once I planned to write a book of poems entirely about the things in my pocket. But ... the age of the great epics is past" ~ Chesterton2013-06-06T09:54:08+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
My back is telling me that the garden and #allotment shouldn't both get so much attention in the same week :-/2013-06-01T12:24:34+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
The litter at #AlderleyEdge seems to be mostly from consumers of McDonalds & lager. #SadButNotSurprised2013-05-30T08:22:27+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Reflective, hearing of death of environmental artist & sculptor Francis Carr, on whose http://landartnet.org/ cmttee I served 20 yrs ago2013-05-30T19:23:21+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
RT @kjhealy Vim is a sports car. #Emacs is a 747 containing an office building & a factory that can make 747s, office bldngs & sports carsKete Foy likes this.
2013-05-30T19:04:59+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Twitter won't let me follow anyone back, so I need to go through 2842 followed accounts, starting with @jodrellbank, & prune away :-/2013-05-29T16:46:31+00:00 via web To: Public
Good to hear a climber referring to "alpinists" on @BBCRadio4's #BBCPM just now - bring back more neglected words, like "frogman" :)@richardsmedley I havent heard "frogman" before, but we have exact corresponding word in Swedish, which does sound almost archaic in 2013 :)2013-05-17T20:06:45+00:00 in Longport, England, United Kingdom via mustard To: emacs, Public
How to Learn !Emacs: a Hand-written One-pager for Beginners by @SachaC http://t.co/WYkHt7ImLWDomenico Giusti, Maj, Susan Pinochet likes this.
Susan Pinochet, Susan Pinochet shared this.
2013-05-16T17:26:51+00:00 in Sandbach, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Sad not to be able to get to #igniteliv tonight, as had cropped my #EdibleLandscape talk into 5min format as #FoodForFree for Townies :)