... coredumb@identi.ca
Lausanne, Switzerland
Linux system engineer, sshdautoban project developer and general hacker
Jayson Fortune slurry@identi.ca
Chesapeake, United States
Former Slackware user, current PCLOS user. Lover of photography and sailing. Huge news junkie! Created an app to post top five tagtrends.
Sebastien B. morphix@identi.ca
Meule Meersen, Belgium
Geek libriste, sysadmin dans l'âme, guitariste depuis 6 ans & Quake 3 über-fan
Ken Gutkowski mordak@identi.ca
Orange, United States
Linux geek for 15+ yrs, Mint, Crunchbang, Ubuntu & Debian user, Android, Python, & wifi router hacker, Harley rider, Dad, & husband.
Rob Messick mindkmst@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
. Open source proponent/fanboy: BSD, Python, etc... Media junkie. Sports lover
Tonnerre Lombard tonnerre@identi.ca
NetBSD Security Officer, cryptanalysis end-user and drive-by fixer.