Ken Gutkowski mordak@identi.ca
Orange, United States
Linux geek for 15+ yrs, Mint, Crunchbang, Ubuntu & Debian user, Android, Python, & wifi router hacker, Harley rider, Dad, & husband.
2012-04-18T08:35:02+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
This is great news since I own an A100. Acer Clarifies A100 And A500 ICS Update Date - Starting April 27 In The US http://pulse.me/s/8jxSV2012-04-11T21:28:16+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Samsung Galaxy S II get's CM9 nightlies Galaxy Note, and Skyrocket are next: Whttp://goo.gl/GLJAg2012-04-11T21:18:42+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
I am loving my AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note. It's very big but after a month with it I feel like it's just right. Now where's #CyanogenMod?@mordak Cool! I have yet to root my phone. (I want to! But, I get it through work.) Let us know how it goes.2011-10-12T00:34:00+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
@mordak I have not had the guts to root my phone yet. (I get it through my employer) :/ Else I would have done it long ago!2011-10-07T00:12:53+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Well said. Steve Jobs http://cmdrtaco.net/2011/10/steve-jobs/2011-10-06T23:33:02+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
I am not a huge Apple fan but I'm saddened by the passing of Steve Jobs. He was a pioneer for all tech geeks like me. He will be missed.@mordak Agreed. Sad to see someone go so young. I've never been much into Apple stuff. But, I hold him up there with the original hackers.2011-08-16T22:19:16+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
"Direct assault on Internet users." That's what ACLU is calling a bill moving thru House: http://goo.gl/tZiex2011-07-24T12:30:07+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Linux in Cars, or Why Toyota Chose Freedom - Linux in Cars, or Why Toyota Chose Freedom - http://pulse.me/s/GjNt2011-04-18T08:00:58+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Sony May Have a Honey of a Tablet in the Works http://pulsene.ws/1cDZM2011-04-18T07:57:34+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Android and the Great Openness Debate http://pulsene.ws/1ef5B2011-04-18T07:12:55+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Motorola Rolls Out Froyo For Bravo – Users Applaud http://pulsene.ws/1kLbi2011-04-18T16:23:29+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Froyo update failed on stock unrooted Bravo. - Android Forums http://t.co/tZsMkGT via @androidcentral2011-03-25T12:55:40+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Go to jail for being in debt? Banks get Americans locked up for failing to pay! End debtors prisons: http://t.co/fWxJmya via @demandprogress2011-03-21T11:10:10+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Check out CyanogenMOD 7 Tutorial released for Samsung Captivate/Vibrant! GINGERBREAD!!! @ http://www.mobiletechvideos.com/blog/?p=6592011-03-20T20:00:23+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
AT&T to Acquire T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom. http://pub.vitrue.com/Gz42011-03-08T02:10:17+00:00 in Town of Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Ubuntu on the Motorola Xoom - For better or worse - Ubuntu on the Motorola Xoom - For better or worse - http://pulsene.ws/14eN72011-02-24T19:55:30+00:00 in Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
AT&T's Samsung Captivate Froyo update now available through Kies. Better late than never, but KIES? Come on GUYS!!! http://is.gd/u8ZdmT2011-02-23T00:32:28+00:00 in Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
Motorola Xoom to have unlockable bootloader for developers | Android Central http://t.co/q4TXARX via @androidcentral2011-02-13T16:53:04+00:00 in Orange, Massachusetts, United States To: Public
AT&T 4G Policy Revealed - AT&T 4G Policy Revealed - http://pulsene.ws/115tB AT&T 4G Coming soon. Still offering unlimited data plans!!!