Coyo Stormbringer coyo@identi.ca
Garland, Texas, United States
Youth and animal rights activist, devout anarchist, lover of old-school tech. Enjoys network overlays, Perl and Pascal, experimental Internet protocol suites, routing and switching, FTTH/FTTP 10/100 GigE, DWDM with ROADM, OC-768 and 10GPON. He gets additions to his network laboratory every Christmas.
2013-11-28T18:33:49Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-09-21T19:52:45Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
You know what would be a cool idea? Freelance Clouds. Provide physical made-to-order artisan products as a utility service. Cloud Utilities for courier services, artistry, open source bounties, investments, perishable grocery deliveries! All through a cloud provider, subsidized under one bill.2013-09-21T19:46:07Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-06-06T17:19:35+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States via web To: Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
!tzag hons, i'm preparing for my baby sister's graduation. my entire family is bitching me out for being a threat. screw this family.2013-05-25T11:56:08+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Public
#retroshare has come a long way. the network is pretty substantial now.2013-05-23T18:43:21+00:00 in Centerville, Texas, United States To: Public
lol, i wonder when i lost mod access? not that it matters, but i didnt notice it until now.2013-05-22T07:42:42+00:00 in Texas, United States To: Public
ugh, my neck hurts from playing planetside 2 for two days and two nights straight. x.x2013-05-22T17:27:31+00:00 in Centerville, Texas, United States To: Public
I'm going to try my hand at #freelance work for valuable experience. Should be grueling, but unlike many friends, I never lacked motivation2013-05-21T03:05:08+00:00 in Texas, United States To: Public
i feel sick, tired, depressed and hopeless. i dont have health insurance, i lost my roster/rolodex for freelance work, and i have a cough D;2013-05-20T22:21:27+00:00 in Texas, United States To: Public
so, what's going on?2013-05-20T22:10:58+00:00 in Texas, United States To: Public
so, what's going on?2013-04-26T00:12:25+00:00 in Highland Park, Texas, United States To: Public
AARRGH! i cant get the stupid openids working!! i cant change my settings! I want to strangle something!2013-04-16T19:54:36+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Christopher Allan Webber, Public
Good luck to you. I'll be busy with a lot of things. Sorry things didn't work out. I'll manage, and I imagine you will as well.Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Coyo Stormbringer at 2013-04-16T19:45:12+00:00 To: Public
48 hours before the House votes on #CISPA. Use @EFF's site to call your representative now: https://eff.org/r.5bPw Let's kill this bill.Coyo Stormbringer likes this.
Ricardo Chung, Ricardo Chung, Coyo Stormbringer, Coyo Stormbringer shared this.
Electronic Frontier Foundation shared by Coyo Stormbringer at 2013-04-16T19:45:12+00:00 via web To: Public
48 hours before the House votes on #CISPA. Use @EFF's site to call your representative now: https://eff.org/r.5bPw Let's kill this bill.Coyo Stormbringer likes this.
Ricardo Chung, Ricardo Chung, Coyo Stormbringer, Coyo Stormbringer shared this.
2013-04-16T19:43:27+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Public
So bored.. I need relief. Dx2013-04-15T21:06:59+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Public
Interesting fact about #Socialism: The Nazi party is really the Nationalist Socialist Worker's Party.clacke@libranet.de ❌, clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
2013-04-15T04:31:35+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Public
okay, so, i've decided on four hobbies to prevent myself from burning out on networking and computers.these four hobbies are: jeet kune do, prismacolor drawing, gunsmithing, and blacksmithing. #IHeartThis #DIY #OfflineHacking #RealityHacking2013-04-15T04:30:55+00:00 in Garland, Texas, United States To: Public
!ninjaparty Ninja party is in the process of being founded! #YouWillBeAssimilated #ResistanceIsFutile