Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
2013-07-11T00:07:24+00:00 via api To: Public
New reports confirm the FISA court has radically reinterpreted privacy law in secret. We need reform now. https://eff.org/r.2bWRTomi Toivio, RiveraValdez likes this.
2013-07-10T22:31:21+00:00 via api To: Public
NSA leaks provoke dialogue in India over its own far-reaching surveillance policies https://eff.org/r.b7WQgrmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) shared this.
2013-07-10T20:11:00+00:00 via api To: a(n) person, Public
RiveraValdez, Ondřej Michálek likes this.
2013-07-10T17:46:30+00:00 via api To: Public
The #SHIELDAct would force patent trolls to take financial responsibility for their acts, says @RepPeterDeFazio https://eff.org/r.b8WNRiveraValdez likes this.
2013-07-09T21:53:21+00:00 via api To: Public
College and high school students' free speech rights are being threatened online (guest post by @TheFIREorg) https://eff.org/r.5bWM2013-07-09T21:12:12+00:00 via api To: Public
http://ur1.ca/5g5hz, @CarlMalamud and @EFF score major victory for free speech and open government: https://eff.org/r.2bWKMitch Featherston, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2013-07-09T17:49:15+00:00 via api To: Public
Civil liberties groups to FISA Court: Ungag Microsoft and Google https://eff.org/r.1bWJ2013-07-09T17:05:05+00:00 via api To: Public
Facebook's Graph Search rolls out to millions more users this week. Are your privacy settings up to date? https://eff.org/r.b9G82013-07-09T15:26:42+00:00 via api To: Public
Talks (and leaks) begin over #TAFTA, the US-EU's trojan trade agreement that could become the next ACTA https://eff.org/r.b8WH #TTIPザシャ shared this.
2013-07-09T14:41:40+00:00 via api To: Public
A brief analysis of the Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom https://eff.org/r.3bWG #MCPIF2013-07-09T01:08:43+00:00 via api To: Public
A top DOJ attorney under Bush has been nominated to lead the FBI. We've got some questions for him: https://eff.org/r.5bWFRicardo Chung likes this.
2013-07-09T00:26:36+00:00 via api To: Public
Court rejects U.S. government's "state secret" claims, allows EFF's mass spying case against NSA to proceed https://eff.org/r.3bWDRicardo Chung, heapstack, Ed G. likes this.
2013-07-08T19:35:58+00:00 via api To: Public
Massachusetts wants to update electronic privacy law on one hand and expand wiretapping powers on the other. https://eff.org/r.4bWCgrmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), Kuro Sawai shared this.
2013-07-05T23:22:26+00:00 via api To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public
Video: @EFF's Parker Higgins (@xor) condemns NSA spying at the San Francisco #restorethe4th rally. http://youtu.be/NNb0H3aKpt42013-07-05T17:34:22+00:00 via api To: Public
California's #openaccess bill will be picked up again in January, meaning the fight is far from over. https://eff.org/r.1bWB2013-07-05T16:23:03+00:00 via api To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public
Tonight at #SIGINT: @EFF activism director @RaineyReitman explains how we fight back against NSA surveillance: https://eff.org/r.b6W92013-07-04T17:45:07+00:00 via api To: Public
Let's #restorethe4th Amendment! Here's a simple handout on NSA spying that you can use at events. https://eff.org/r.4bW8 (PDF)2013-07-03T19:27:57+00:00 via api To: Public
Twitter has made it easy to opt out of tailored advertisements. Here's how to do this (and more!) https://eff.org/r.b9W6Ricardo Chung likes this.
I would recommend http://ur1.ca/eiquy instead of ABP2013-07-03T19:11:35+00:00 via api To: Public
RIP Douglas Engelbart, 1925–2013. We gave him our Pioneer Award in 1992, but it's impossible to express his impact as a computing pioneer.Phil Hudson, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs shared this.
2013-07-03T18:42:29+00:00 via api To: Public
Twitter shows that it's possible for online companies to respect Do Not Track https://eff.org/r.b7W5Ricardo Chung likes this.