Hendrich Attila cruelangel@identi.ca

!mal profile here: http://myanimelist.net/profile/CruelAngel


  • n2x evenorbert@identi.ca

  • Fred Richards flrichar@identi.ca

    Atlanta, United States

    SysAdmin, Engineer, Goofball.

  • Mohan Ram mpr@identi.ca

    Columbia, United States

    Huge fan of software that works and does what it suppose to do. Lazy, unproductive and likes to annoy people.

  • séptim@ alienígena xtarwars@identi.ca

    Madrid, Spain

    http://www.nodo50.org/periodismociudadano/index2.html ¡¡¡ apúntate a mi rss !!!!

  • Richard Somlói ricsipontaz@identi.ca

    Les Monts, France

    I am 23 years old and live in Hungary. My hobbies are the music, the football and the IT.

  • snarf snarf@identi.ca

    Gūshdūn, Iran