Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

So France is moving forward with populist right-wing candidate and centrist candidate... recent history suggests we should be worried :\ ❌ likes this.

Yes. Hamon's PS and Melenchon's La France unsoumise have proven themselves unable, because unwilling, to unite the French working class against the EU-loving neoliberals and the ultraright con job run by the LePen family. Time for intensified organising for working-class unity from below.

brashley46 at 2017-04-23T23:19:18Z

At least whoever is elected is whoever got the most vote. What a novel idea.

Hubert Figuière at 2017-04-24T04:35:53Z

uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Christopher Allan Webber, brashley46 likes this.

I'm not confident, but take some hope from
"Clinton led Trump by 2-3 points
 Remain led Leave by 1-2 points
 Macron leads Le Pen by 26 points in runoff polls." --

Sarah Elkins at 2017-04-25T02:44:14Z

Christopher Allan Webber likes this.