Cyberunions cyberunions@identi.ca
The internet....around the corner from a server
Using technology to organise networked and dynamic trade unions. FOSS and P2P.
Cyberunions Podcast Episode 88 We’re Back!!
2015-10-12T12:56:44Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
- Where have we been?
- What have we done?
- Where are we now?
- Walton is still in Glasgow and Stephen is not in Mexico
- Our careers and what is keeping us busy
- Labourstart or Laborstart for the non-british english speakers
- UNI conference and the scope of the labor movement activism online
* Free software and the movements * Libreplanet & CiviCON and how it relates * Place for movements to collaborate
Popular Tech
* Looking at Snapchat and how it could relate to organizing precarious workers * Ideas of opening up the API and making it more secure
* Thanking Derek Blackadder * South African accent is invading Stephen's satire dependence in The Daily Show with Trevor Noah save the conversation for another time
SombreKnave likes this.
SombreKnave, SombreKnave, marxistvegan shared this.
2014-05-11T18:31:23Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
You all know we have #ogg for our podcast well now we have a feed too just for you http://cyberunions.org/feed/oggcast
2014-05-03T12:38:45Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Good #tzag all
2014-05-03T01:50:19Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
In case you missed our interview about organizing in Tennessee https://cyberunions.org/cyberunions-episode-85-unionizing-the-south-the-lessons-from-vw/marxistvegan shared this.
2014-05-03T01:32:34Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Good to see you all following us..sorry it took so long to get back in the swing of things2012-09-03T17:04:32+00:00 To: Public
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@R7 I saw this just after I saw it in my feed reader nice to have them back.2012-08-14T17:52:31+00:00 To: Public
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