David Chung

GOW: Ragnarok Complete

David Chung at

After nearly a year, I finally finished the main campaign of God of War: Ragnarok! I spent a lot of time doing the side quests because I love the gameplay and really wanted to avoid the story. In fact, I really don't know what happened in the main story as I normally just watch something else as an unskippable cinematic plays out. I only completed the main game because I exhausted all the side quests and more is unlocked after the game is completed.

Now I'm happily working on those!

The final bosses were really easy! I think the optional bosses honed my skills. The optional battle arena was really fun and I look forward to the optional boss that's now unlocked there!

As I mentioned before, even on the hardest difficulty, player deaths never felt unfair. All my deaths are due to my mistakes.

The only time I was annoyed was when the game glitched out when I thought I finished an encounter -- I was either soft or hard locked! There was one mini-boss that always hard-locked for me so I worked around it by leaving the battlefield and killing the boss from outside, which worked! Soft locks for me occurred when all enemies were defeated but the game was still in battle mode and refused to progress further -- couldn't figure out how to workaround that and had to redo the encounter and pray. Other soft locks occur when a mini-boss doesn't spawn and the game can't progress further -- boss music is playing but nothing is happening! Ahh, this game is glitchy...

Despite all that, the gameplay is where this game really shines and I highly recommend it for that reason. Not to mention all the additional content and gameplay are provided as FREE DLC! I truly believe this is the best game of the current generation!

Now onward to complete all the side quests!