David Chung d6chung@identi.ca

Honolulu, United States

  • Tannhäuser

    2024-07-18T01:06:25Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I'm sure I've said this before but whenever I hear Tannhäuser, I always think Bugs Bunny. I wonder why...

  • Infinite Wealth: Jo Amon (First Encounter)

    2024-07-17T05:02:54Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    So I've been doing the optional dungeons and bosses as soon as I unlocked them and apparently my character is now over-leveled.

    When I got to the first encounter of Jo Amon, it was the first time a main story encounter was truly challenging. He was at the same level as my character!

    After about 2 hours, I finally defeated Jo Amon only to see the following cinematic proceed as if my character lost the fight! It was supposed to be a scripted loss! As Jo Amon kept saying my character is weak and has much to improve on, I kept saying to myself: "but I won!"

    Someone recorded it: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DxYjqLzlG1M

    The only reward for accomplishing this is the ability to upgrade ultimate weapons early with that empty cough drop tin that's dropped!

  • Donald Sutherland

    2024-06-20T20:17:06Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers


    Jim Fulner likes this.

  • pmOS v24.06

    2024-06-18T21:57:07Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers


    Yes! I no longer need to find that small corner hitbox to toggle the keyboard.

    I still hate touchscreens.

  • Conch Shell

    2024-06-17T02:16:41Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Whenever I hear a conch shell being blown, my mind immediately goes to this: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RfPs4LaWwSc

    That is all.

  • 40k

    2024-06-05T00:48:37Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    My 12-year-old car hit 40k miles over the weekend!

    Amazingly, it still has its original brake pads and battery. I get those routinely checked and they're still good!

  • Dondoko Island

    2024-05-31T21:38:46Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I stopped making progress with Infinite Wealth once I got on Dondoko Island. It's a completely different game! A complete business simulation game running an island resort within a game!

    I very much prefer the combat system on Dondoko Island because you can actually dodge attacks, which makes combat ridiculously easy although the combat is not the central focus of this inner game. Dodging is accomplished simply by running the other direction. There's an actual dodge move that I never used. With the ability to dodge and exploiting the enemy cooldown and stun, I rarely took damage. At most, I lost 1.5 HP and you start with 3. Most enemy attacks deal 0.5 HP damage and the attacks that deal 1 HP damage have a long charge so it's easily dodged. Normal enemies randomly spawn and sometimes they spawned right behind me, which is the primary way to take damage as you're completely surprised by it. You can increase your max HP by expanding your house but I never needed to! I thought it was amusing when the game gave me a few recovery items prior to the final boss because I never needed it.

    Now to the main focus of the game: running the resort. All you have to do to make your guests happy is greet them, give them gifts, ensuring there is stuff for them to do along their paths, and host a campfire! Doing so maxes out everyone's happiness and your profits. Gathering resources is really optional once you automate collection and it can offer side income as you sell your collection of buildings and certain resources.

    This inner-game never felt like a chore especially once you make use of automation and exploit slave labour... ahem. Achieving the minimum requirements (1-star resort certification) to clear this section of the main game took very little effort. I achieved full-status (5-star resort certification) in a few days so now I'm sticking around only to bring in cash!

    I intend on returning to the main game as a multi-millionaire! It's going to be so weird returning to a turn-based RPG after this!

  • Crowdsourcing Time

    2024-05-11T02:44:36Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    When at a public event, I never have to look at my own time-keeping device! Someone will eventually show me the time by turning on the screen of their time-keeping device in front of me! How convenient!

  • Downgraded to Regular PinePhone

    2024-05-08T23:55:56Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers


    It turns out I have a cell phone protection benefit that covers that repair. I was able to bring in the replacement screen to a repair shop and have someone else deal with the tiny screws for free!

    I'm now back on the regular PinePhone but I will keep the PinePhone Pro as a backup.

    While the PinePhone Pro runs faster, it runs hot! Now that I'm back on the regular PinePhone, I had forgotten how much cooler it runs even when plugged in!

  • HSO: LOST in Concert

    2024-04-28T08:35:41Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers


    Today is the day I learned that HSO's concertmaster plays the ukulele!

    I also sat next to a film crew so I wonder what that's for.

  • Inner RPG

    2024-04-25T19:51:35Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    So I haven't made progress in Infinite Wealth since I've been working on the its inner RPG: Sujimon League, which is weird because I'm not into RPGs in general.

    However, once I figured out the gacha pulls, strengthening, and awakening mechanics, the rest was a breeze for me. I never had to grind and defeated the bosses while at lower levels! If only if the main game was like this...

    My party formation is as follows:
    - Bear guy and blindfold guy are my tanks and warriors. They have high health and attack so I place them in front.
    - Pineapple guy is just there for his speed. I find it amusing that I never use him and he's simply there to literally dance in front of my opponent.
    - Biker guy is my backup warrior. He also has high attack but I keep him in the back in case my frontline goes down. In the rare case that happens, the fight is nearly done anyway and this backup finishes off my opponent so I allow my bear and blindfold guys to go down.
    - The chicken and doll guys are my healers. They stay in the back and I tag them in as needed. However, my warriors typically wipe out my opponents in 2-3 moves!

    The main game encounter at the end of the league was what truly threw me off! My main game character was way under-leveled and unlike GOW, in Infinite Wealth, you *are* taking a hit so I had to load up my inventory on food and just take the shots while munching on bentos and fruit salads.

    I guess I should progress the main game now. I have yet to unlock the job system...
  • Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus and Hans Zimmer's Lion King

    2024-04-16T01:08:02Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I was listening to some choral music and upon hearing Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus, I thought to myself, "Hans Zimmer must've quoted this in his Lion King (1994) score!"

    Sure enough, someone actually posted a video on it: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PfAwqJjpxhY

    Also, 1994 is 30 years ago!

    Jim Fulner likes this.

  • GNOME 46 Unmasked

    2024-03-27T02:48:33Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    For the past two months, I held back GNOME 46 packages since I was experiencing login hangs -- I've been meaning to look into it but got lazy about it.

    However, seeing libgdm-46 in my latest batch of updates gave me hope: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2159642#p2159642

    And yay! I'm able to login with GNOME 46 now! So my IgnorePkg list is now empty once again!

  • Upgraded to PinePhonePro

    2024-03-26T03:17:23Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    It finally happened.

    I dropped my PinePhone and the corner glass shattered.

    So not wanting to risk cutting myself, I switched over to my PinePhonePro, which was standing by already as a backup and the performance difference is night-and-day! Wow!

    I plan on trying to replace the PinePhone screen myself. Let's see how that goes... I foresee many grumblings in the future with tiny screws bouncing around me.

    @d6chung@identi.ca good luck mate.

    Jim Fulner at 2024-03-26T19:59:50Z

  • Aurite!

    2024-03-22T17:44:16Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Okay, this won me over: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vYRo8wI2Q18

    I was playing this with Japanese audio but when I saw "aurite" in the text, I just had to switch the audio and replay that sequence to hear it proper.

    I'm glad someone recorded and posted it!

    Doing my part and sharing the dialogue with the voices isolated: https://peervideo.club/w/bac8iLjm2HXjGvt5Ng7Gj2

    David Chung at 2024-03-27T02:22:28Z

  • pmOS Testing

    2024-03-20T01:28:59Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I normally wait for a device to be promoted from testing but I just want to start tinkering with the PineTab2 now that the WiFi driver is available.

    pmOS is my OS of choice because of pmbootstrap.

    Unfortunately, the documentation is not at all clear on how one installs the OS on testing devices: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/PINE64_PineTab_2_(pine64-pinetab2)

    I tried tinkering with pmbootstrap trying to figure out how to write the deviceinfo and APKBUILD files and failing miserably as the pmbootstrap build command kept failing.

    But silly me, at the bottom of this Wiki page is a link to an MR: https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/merge_requests/4208

    All the work is done for me! So just for future reference, the steps are as follows:

    Scorpio, Jim Fulner likes this.

    Scorpio, Jim Fulner shared this.

  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Started

    2024-03-18T01:45:47Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers


    I started this and of course I immediately blast through until I get to the Honolulu portion.

    I am disappointed that my building was not modelled. They modelled the surrounding landscape but left out iconic residential buildings! The game is literally unplayable now! The player picks up a (non-rideshare) cab at the departure-level of the airport! Game ruined!

    I suppose it's for the best. I'm a little weirded-out seeing my bedroom window in visitor photos as they post their reviews of their hotel stay...

    Now that I have a manual save where I can free-roam Waikiki, I suppose I should play the game proper now from the start. To me, it is the mini-games where the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series shine. I never liked the combat systems (both old and new) -- it always felt clunky/unpolished to me.

  • Problem-solving Guidelines

    2024-03-12T22:01:32Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Okay, this one got me:


  • Rift Apart Fully Complete

    2024-02-29T23:24:28Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    I revisited this since in my first playthrough, I skipped the mini-game because I hated it -- it felt like playing a more disorienting version of classic Doom.

    Anyway, my NG+ playthrough allowed me to enable cheats so I just plowed my way through to acquire this single trophy I missed out nearly a year later!
  • GOW: Ragnarok Fully Complete

    2024-02-26T01:32:52Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    It is done!