General Population
David Chung at
I've been pondering about the general population especially with recent elections. I recently received insight on the education divide among the population and how the uneducated are unable to understand the future ramifications of their decisions today since they are focused on short-term issues. This mentality is mostly due to the uneducated typically experiencing a different perception of the economy than the educated, who typically work in higher paying jobs. As such, the educated have the luxury of discussing long-term consequences of today's decisions.
I've come to realise how out-of-touch I am with the general population and now completely understand why politicians pander to the lowest common denominator -- they are simply forced to! While it's a major turn-off for me personally, I think it's important to not completely dismiss what they are saying as it provides an insight on what their campaign managers are seeing in the population.
All this to say I think I now appreciate political scientists and sociologists. These experts combined with ad-technology, data science, and machine learning can create a powerful political campaign, which I'm sure is already happening today.