David Chung

Stop Signs

David Chung at

It's quite astonishing how stop signs are completely disregarded by a lot of drivers. Almost every driver treats stop signs as yields and never come to a stop. Some drivers even expect traffic with right-of-way to eventually yield to those with a stop.

Some memorable examples in my experience:
- A driver from a side street approaches a stop sign and honks at me as a pedestrian for crossing in front of them with the right-of-way traffic.
- A driver approaches an intersection with a stop sign only for a specific direction while the cross-traffic has right-of-way. The right-of-way traffic is congested and the driver at the stop proceeds to honk and shout at the cross-traffic to move out of the way for them!

Seriously, if you have a stop sign and the cross-traffic does not, YOU have to STOP and WAIT for that traffic to clear. They don't have to do anything for you!

Heh... must by a planetary thing...

JanKusanagi at 2018-10-30T13:21:56Z