David Chung

Keys to the Heart [그것만이 내 세상]

David Chung at

Very predictable story and character development. This movie follows the typical K-drama, which consists of:
- A hospital scene
- A car accident
- Poor vs rich families
- Long-lost family member returning

Performances were good though. 2 Mai Tais!

Updated 2018 ranking of movies I saw so far:

Black Panther (0 Mai Tais)
A Quiet Place (0 Mai Tais)
Ready Player One (0 Mai Tais)
Deadpool 2 (0 Mai Tais)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (1 Mai Tai)
Avengers: Infinity War (1 Mai Tai)
Keys to the Heart [그것만이 내 세상] (2 Mai Tais)
Believer [독전] (2 Mai Tais)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2 Mai Tais)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2 Mai Tais)