David Chung

Deciphering Trump

David Chung at

I normally listen to public radio as I get ready for the day in the morning and in the past week, Trump has been giving daily updates regarding COVID-19 in America.

However, it's extremely difficult to comprehend what he's saying! He's clearly speaking in English but the string of thoughts are jumbled and it takes extra effort to decipher his speeches. I know this is one of his traits but the my exposure to it  used to be limited.

My brain is relieved when someone else takes over such as Pence and it's pretty much needed to truly understand that day's update.

McClane likes this.

Don't worry.

Not understanding the clown just means you're a sane person 😎

JanKusanagi at 2020-03-20T16:19:57Z

lol, you're not alone

McClane at 2020-03-20T22:31:24Z