David Chung

Dondoko Island

David Chung at

I stopped making progress with Infinite Wealth once I got on Dondoko Island. It's a completely different game! A complete business simulation game running an island resort within a game!

I very much prefer the combat system on Dondoko Island because you can actually dodge attacks, which makes combat ridiculously easy although the combat is not the central focus of this inner game. Dodging is accomplished simply by running the other direction. There's an actual dodge move that I never used. With the ability to dodge and exploiting the enemy cooldown and stun, I rarely took damage. At most, I lost 1.5 HP and you start with 3. Most enemy attacks deal 0.5 HP damage and the attacks that deal 1 HP damage have a long charge so it's easily dodged. Normal enemies randomly spawn and sometimes they spawned right behind me, which is the primary way to take damage as you're completely surprised by it. You can increase your max HP by expanding your house but I never needed to! I thought it was amusing when the game gave me a few recovery items prior to the final boss because I never needed it.

Now to the main focus of the game: running the resort. All you have to do to make your guests happy is greet them, give them gifts, ensuring there is stuff for them to do along their paths, and host a campfire! Doing so maxes out everyone's happiness and your profits. Gathering resources is really optional once you automate collection and it can offer side income as you sell your collection of buildings and certain resources.

This inner-game never felt like a chore especially once you make use of automation and exploit slave labour... ahem. Achieving the minimum requirements (1-star resort certification) to clear this section of the main game took very little effort. I achieved full-status (5-star resort certification) in a few days so now I'm sticking around only to bring in cash!

I intend on returning to the main game as a multi-millionaire! It's going to be so weird returning to a turn-based RPG after this!