darkbaboon darkbaboon@identi.ca
Rennes, France
Je crains les requins, les météores et les sabres lasers.
2015-11-11T11:07:24Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-06-17T07:33:44+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: a(n) group, Public
Xbox One = PC Windows 7 ? http://i.imgur.com/le08qFR.jpg !gaming2013-06-17T07:28:56+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: rennes, Public
Semaine de l’innovation en Bretagne : l'édition 2013 est lancée ! http://www.innovons.fr/2013-04-01T17:49:04+00:00 in Rennes, France To: Public
Stopper l'Hollyweb -- http://www.defectivebydesign.org/no-drm-in-html52013-02-28T23:17:47+00:00 in Rennes, France To: a(n) person, Public
Les indés et le Libre : Un conte d'hexagones http://ur1.ca/cxjzs !jeuxlinux !jeuxvideos2011-11-01T18:36:52+00:00 in Saint Martin To: Public
“Emplois dans l'Open Source : Où chercher ? Ce qu'il faut savoir (1e partie)”: http://is.gd/SlMtGP2011-08-25T12:57:10+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
Linus Torvalds quitte GNOME 3 et souhaite un fork de GNOME 2, http://is.gd/RvRrrO Chez !Archlinuxfr on a la solution : http://is.gd/rmIe0U2011-08-25T12:50:55+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
Linus Torvalds ditches GNOME 3 and calls to fork GNOME 2 http://is.gd/P2rTlr Change for !Archlinux we have the solution http://is.gd/rmIe0Uk1efer likes this.
2011-08-24T16:01:04+00:00 in Saint Martin To: Public
Quel est la 3e distribution la plus utilisée d'après l'infographie des 20 ans de Linux ? http://i.imgur.com/dCMih.png !archfr2011-08-24T13:39:33+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
Welcome to the beta of #Archost an Hosting Control Panel for !Archlinux based server: http://www.archost.orgMaxwell Draven likes this.
2011-08-17T14:20:01+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
2011-03-04T14:33:37+00:00 in Saint Martin To: Public
#ArchHurd #ArchBang #ArchServer #ArchMobile #CTKArchLive #Chakra live.linux-gamers.net Do you know another member in the !Arch family ?@darkbaboon, well, there are Parabola, KahelOS, Chaox - dead -2011-02-24T16:26:32+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
RD: @fredbezies: Bon, LibreOffice 3.3.1 recompilé. Me reste plus que les traductions à générer !archfr2011-02-18T14:09:26+00:00 in Saint Martin To: hackabledevices, a(n) person, Public
Apéro Codelab #10 à !Rennes aujourd'hui 18h http://codelab.fr/+/apero-codelab-10 #oshw #PING #FabLabs #BreizhEntropy @hackabledevices2011-01-31T10:19:08+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
alphazo likes this.
2011-01-27T09:11:09+00:00 in Saint Martin To: Public
That's official Wormux is dead! Long live WarMUX! Out in its first version, 11.01 : http://is.gd/IDpmk9 !fossg !lg !gaming2011-01-27T15:57:23+00:00 in Saint Martin To: Public
2011-01-25T15:54:03+00:00 in Saint Martin To: a(n) person, Public
Amis piétons, il ne fait pas bon vivre aux USA, privilégiez plutôt l'Asie pour ne pas vous faire renverser : http://is.gd/n49WvT !tscLinux Game Database shared by darkbaboon at 2011-01-19T16:39:39+00:00 via web To: Public
New #tool | sixsixfive created a page for Lutris http://www.lgdb.org/node/2371