David Thompson

David Thompson at

Microsoft has purchased Minecraft and Mojang studios for $2.5 billion.  Here's to hoping that Minetest gets a nice boost in users and contributors.  http://minetest.net/

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+Yes but ... wouldn't M$ engage in court procedure for protecting it's IP against Minetest ? (a name change would be enough though... )

Anyway I think they lost it already with Sony's Landmark (fork of next Everquest, appears in beta in wich beta users invented functions that were not available through glitch usage, they even now function as some sort of cast of wizards with voxels... )

15 years ago, I drafted such a game with friends, around the same kinds of ideas and voxels space games that were existing at that time (remember Magic Carpet ..? )
Of course it never took of, as finding the ressources at that time was as hard as now in Belgium, and without crowdfunding ;) ...

olm-e at 2014-09-15T15:32:24Z

Why would minetest get a boost? It seems to me that people developing plugins for minecraft would be fine with a proprietary juggernaut taking over the proprietary platform they already use.

I'm more afraid of Microsoft going after minetest and other minecraft clones at this point.

cmhobbs at 2014-09-15T16:38:38Z

I still hadn't played Minecraft. I guess I'll have to try minetest.

Hubert Figuière at 2014-09-15T16:44:13Z

>> cmhobbs:

“Why would minetest get a boost? It seems to me that people developing plugins for minecraft would be fine with a proprietary juggernaut taking over the proprietary platform they already use.
I'm more afraid of Microsoft going after minetest and other minecraft clones at this point.”

Isnt that how they work?

johnmont at 2014-09-15T20:00:24Z