Sean Tilley

Sean Tilley at

@Krita Open Source Digital Painting App has a #Kickstarter campaign - as of this writing, there are 19 days left to go!

Krita is hands-down one of my favorite art applications, and it is getting more powerful all of the time. It is already becoming a strong contender against the likes of PhotoShop and other parts of the Adobe Creative Suite.

 Krita 2016: Let's Make Text and Vector Art Awesome!


#Krita is a FREE award-winning open source digital painting application. Dedicated to creating comics, illustrations, concept art, matte paintings: all kinds of 2D image creation!

Last year, with the help of all our Kickstarter backers, we added Instant Preview and Animation Support. We updated the codebase to a new version of Qt to make Krita more future-proof. We started work on making OS X a first-class supported platform, too. We made additional improvements all over the board, from the layers panel to the shortcut configuration, from easily installable binaries for Krita to a greatly improved user manual. And those are just the highlights of eleven almost monthly releases!

Charles Stanhope shared this.

switching to Krita

Kete Foy at 2016-05-20T12:21:42Z

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