Kete Foy

Twin Oaks, Louisa, VA

free (libre) hardware, software, art, photography, documents and communities

  • Intentional Communities

    8 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Best of luck with your dreams

    Living in egalitarian communities

    Maintaining my fragile Thinkpads

    Manuel - Cuenta abandonada, bthall, Dana likes this.

    Manuel - Cuenta abandonada, Dana, Dana shared this.

  • libreCMC Fund Raiser

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Hello, if you can, please donate to libreCMC , so there can be time for development.

    BTC Address : 1Dmx1VCDrALNbxeb2kCkVEkvf5tnqKNkmy (bitcoin)

    Deunan, EricxDu likes this.

    soloojos, Deunan, Deunan, EricxDu and 1 others shared this.

    Having proper ssl certificates would certainly help the cause. I'm greeted by a big security warning when I go to that site.

    mray INACTIVE at 9 years ago

    >> mray:

    “Having proper ssl certificates would certainly help the cause. I'm greeted by a big security warning when I go to that site.”

    Yeah, last I checked, it was because of the www part of the URL.

    Kete Foy at 9 years ago

    Right without www it works.

    Are you connected to the project? There is a link on a page that is not working...

    mray INACTIVE at 9 years ago

  • Cycle Case

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    just found this great LibreOffice feature: Cycle Case, which is bound to Shift F3

  • 9 years ago via Web CC: Public

  • 9 years ago via Web CC: Public

  • Xfce Maximize Vertically

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    When I'm using Emacs in Xfce, I often want to maximize vertically only because I don’t need half the screen. There’s no default maximize vertically key binding, but Alt F8 is a resize command. It puts the pointer at the bottom right-hand corner and under control of the arrow keys, but if that doesn’t help, I can move the arrow to the side or corner that I want to adjust.

    (offtopic, you need a new avatar, current one at is gone xD)

    JanKusanagi at 9 years ago

    Kete Foy likes this.

  • Connection Manager resolv.conf

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Thanks to lnxwalt and jrobb for the job hunt well wishes—I finally saw them while looking for my connman post. I switched to wireless, and connman only populated resolv.conf with localhost. It was frustrating. I finally gave up, logged out, and started X, and connman behaved itself. I don't understand.

    PS—It’s either Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy :-P

  • Updated SSH Key

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    updated my ssh key, didn't know I could do it on my own, removed the old key from authorized_keys

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C Kete # better security than ECDSA, comment seen in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and 'ssh-add -L'

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

  • jobhunting

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    looking for a job career all day yesterday

    it's only 9am, and my eyes are already sore.

    jrobb, Douglas Perkins, jrobertson likes this.

    I hope your quest is successful. at 9 years ago

    good luck!

    jrobb at 9 years ago

    For me it helped 2 times: just spam everybody with you summary, with no exceptions. People should be informed that you exist, they need you, they're looking for you, I'm serious. If one will reply, then you can just talk to them.

    You should clearly understand, that people don't know how to describe the job and requirements it text form, so they usually write uber crap.

    For example, on my current job I live inside the ffmpeg source code, IEC and SMPTE documents, this is actually the job of my dream. But in the description of vacancy the next requirements were read: MFC, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL. I came to them and said "guys, I NEVER opened Visual Studio", but they took me anyway, and for today they gave me even more money, because the problems are solving, buisness is going on.

    So, the basic idea is: you future employer can form the vacancy's description very bad. Thy are always like this. But they need you, so don't think too much description, just let them know you exist.

    AleksandrSlobodeniuk at 9 years ago

    >> AleksandrSlobodeniuk:

    “For me it helped 2 times: just spam everybody with you summary, with no exceptions. People should be informed that you exist, they need you, they're looking for you, I'm serious. If one will reply, then you can just talk to them.

    You should clearly understand, that people don't know how to describe the job and requirements it text form, so they usually write uber crap.

    For example, on my current job I live inside the ffmpeg source code, IEC and SMPTE documents, this is actually the job of my dream. But in the description of vacancy the next requirements were read: MFC, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL. I came to them and said "guys, I NEVER opened Visual Studio", but they took me anyway, and for today they gave me even more money, because the problems are solving, buisness is going on.”

    Alex, this is great! It would be better to solve problems my way.

    Kete Foy at 9 years ago

  • Torbirdy GPG

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I use Torbirdy, and I noticed repeatedly that Enigmail would not import GPG keys after I clicked the button. I read the Torbirty Torbirdy page(s) and learned that although Enigmail is fortunately compatible, GPG functionality requires a shim or some mysterious Curl package that is only packaged in Debian. I also followed the GPG onion URL and found my new favorite source of public keys. The site sends keys in their ASCII form, but it's real easy to import them after saving as a .key file. The command is just 'gpg --import *.key'.

  • KWallet

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    KWallet is a pain if you set it up wrong. I had to delete all of the hidden home files in order to start over!

  • Arch Touchpad Tapping

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Wow, this is amazing. Without an announcement, Arch now requires xf86-input-libinput and a setting enabled in Touchpad settings.

    Well, for a system such as Archlinux (that is, not novice-oriented at all), not quickly announcing a change to the system that allow tapping on a touchpad, doesn't seem like a big deal to me xD

    They've broken way, waaay worse than that, and its users are expected to be able to deal with this things =)

    JanKusanagi at 9 years ago

  • xf86-input-synaptics

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Apparently, xf86-input-synaptics needs a restart to get the touchpad tap functionality. I restarted X, but that wasn't good enough.

    PS—No, it just quit working, so I have to figure out what this means.


    “[2016-06-18 18:53] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> xf86-input-synaptics driver is on maintenance mode and

    [2016-06-18 18:53] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] xf86-input-libinput driver must be prefered over. ”

    I installed it, so maybe it will enable tapping after restarting X.

  • YouTube-Viewer Channel Videos List

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Here’s one of youtube-viewer’s hidden tricks:

    youtube-viewer --channel-videos=<channel ID>

    (lists a channel’s videos)

  • Sliding Background Effect

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    I like beBee's sliding background effect for hovering over buttons.

  • Xfce timer

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Xfce has a bare-bones timer that runs any command when finished. To wake myself up from meditation, I ran speaker-test with two loops.

    jrobb likes this.

  • DNS Hijacking

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    My DHCP setting wasn’t setting the nameservers to OpenNIC because the browser took me to an ISP search page instead of "Server not found".

    /etc/resolv.conf said it was generated by Connection Manager.

    I finally found this thread and figured out how to set the nameservers for each connection by using connmanctl. Then, I restarted the connman.service. Now, the OpenNIC IP addresses are in /etc/resolv.conf, and my ISP does not hijack my DNS :-)

    Also, is back. I was just about to use

    Welcome back, identi.cans!

    JMobile at 9 years ago

    Kete Foy likes this.

  • Wikipedia thanks

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    Someone just thanked me on Wikipedia. I didn't know that was possible.

    It's on the history tab once you log into your account. If you click a thank link, then it will send an email.

    Christopher Allan Webber, Efraim Flashner likes this.

  • Creepy WiFi

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    For months/years, I have seen a WiFi network called Totally not the NSA.

    Deunan, Douglas Perkins likes this.

    Nice way of trying not to have it cracked xD

    JanKusanagi at 9 years ago

    Kete Foy likes this.

  • Printing

    9 years ago via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers

    These are my adapters. The one on the right is for USB 3.0, and the USB is for SD HC cards and a few other cards, too. I use the SD card for printing pictures of documents. The hplip drivers will only print out a test page. I save documents as PDF’s or export them as pictures depending on how many pages they have. Multiple pages need the PDF extension, and then I use Gimp to export each page as a picture. I guess I just need to replace this free printer instead, but I already had the USB 3.0 express card; and the other parts weren’t much more.

    Ben Sturmfels likes this.