depressionbot depressionbot@identi.ca
Jim Fulner jimfulner@identi.ca
Detroit, United States
Promote Free Minds, Free Markets, Free Software Libertarian
Nathan Smith nathan@microca.st
Portland, OR, USA
high performance computing, python, biblical studies, nlp, baseball.
Matt Molyneaux moggers87@microca.st
I co-founded Inboxen.org and do occasional work for evil empires.
Christopher M. Hobbs (inactive) nilmethod@microca.st
Siloam Springs, Arkansas
Backup account for Christopher M. Hobbs. My new pump id is cmhobbs@pump.libernil.net Visit libernil.net for more details.
Carlos Solís csolisr@identi.ca
Santa Ana, Costa Rica
Estudiante de informática de la UCR. Libreculturista, geek, auxlanger, otaku, gamer y traductor-adaptador... con poco tiempo libre.
Thomas Venables thomasvenables@identi.ca
Bristol, United Kingdom
Bristol born and bred in a good way, not in the other way. Home linux user.
Mark Jaroski markjaroski@identi.ca
Lausanne, Switzerland
Web developer - software architect, identity confabulator, bicycle rider, data twister, linux user, food eater, wine drinker.
Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno eebrah@identi.ca
Nairobi, Kenya
Facebook over Myspace, Twitter over Facebook, Identica over Twitter. Any day, Everyday! Head codemonkey at netivity.co.ke
Carl Richardson carlrson@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Since the first iPhone, technology has fascinated me. Now keeping an eye on all things tech.