desintegr desintegr@identi.ca
Orléans, France
Ingénieur systèmes et réseaux. Passionné par l'informatique, la technologie, le logiciel libre, Android, les jeux vidéo, la musique...
a voté pour "no, Android"
2013-03-03T17:40:45+00:00 To: Samsung Galaxy S4 Kaufen, a(n) person, Public
Rajit Vikram Singh shared by desintegr at 2012-08-23T15:35:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Well written and easy to understand piece on the benefits of moving to #systemd: http://ur1.ca/a0kli !LinuxSalelodenouye shared by desintegr at 2012-03-15T22:08:45+00:00 via mustard To: Public
voted for "Arch"
2012-01-27T12:09:20+00:00 To: Kete Foy, a(n) person, Public
voted for "J'attends quelques mois pour voir ce que ça donne :)"
2012-01-11T15:41:52+00:00 To: Xav', Public
LinuxFr.org shared by desintegr at 2012-01-04T11:50:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Fin du support de sécurité pour Debian Lenny le 6 février 2012 http://ur1.ca/7835c2011-12-02T07:46:06+00:00 via web To: Public
Bernat Arlandis, gryps75 likes this.
Be Human, Be Human, Keywan, Keywan and 4 others shared this.
@fabiand ah caray! I can't see the site on epiphany :SLouis Roché shared by desintegr at 2011-11-30T12:16:10+00:00 via web To: Public
Python Ecosystem - An Introduction http://mirnazim.org/writings/python-ecosystem-introduction/voted for "Other"
2011-11-30T17:18:17+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
voted for "GNOME 3"
2011-11-28T12:19:12+00:00 To: Xav', Public
2011-11-14T17:19:15+00:00 in Orléans, France To: Public
LinuxFr.org shared by desintegr at 2011-11-12T16:37:38+00:00 via web To: Public
M.A.R.S. - jeu shooter spatial à plusieurs http://ur1.ca/5r5ozalphazo shared by desintegr at 2011-11-11T15:25:51+00:00 via web To: Public
Get a status on your running "dd" operation by running "kill -USR1 `pidof dd` " in another terminal (without ""). !cli !linuxdesintegr, desintegr, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL, Vincent-Xavier JUMEL and 2 others shared this.
Neustradamus shared by desintegr at 2011-11-09T12:20:46+00:00 via web To: Public
!Fedora 16 "Verne" has been released http://fedoraproject.org/Eugene Mah shared by desintegr at 2011-11-08T15:40:43+00:00 via web To: Public
!fedora 16 'Verne' is released http://ur1.ca/5ouv6LinuxFr.org shared by desintegr at 2011-10-19T11:26:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Site Web en français pour le projet OPSI http://ur1.ca/5fxov2011-10-13T16:38:44+00:00 in Saint-Jean-le-Blanc, Centre, France To: a(n) person, Public
Après un uptime de 1300 heures, il est temps de passer à CyanogenMod 7.1 !android !cyanogenmod :)2011-10-09T16:23:06+00:00 in Saint-Jean-le-Blanc, Centre, France To: a(n) person, Public
J'ai rapporté ces crashs, il ne reste qu'à attendre le retour des développeurs :) !gnome