2014-11-07T08:50:46Z via AndStatus To: Public
Does anyone know an easy solution to automagically repeat messages from pump.io to gnu social? Would like to mirror @glynmoody@identi.caostfriesenmärz shared this.
Jason Self shared by gryps75 at 2014-11-06T06:14:57Z via AndStatus To: Public
bkuhn for President!gryps75 shared this.
pump.io with emacs or VIM?
2014-11-02T11:25:45Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers
Does anyone know if someone is working on anything like a pump.io-client in emacs or VIM?
Social Networks
2014-11-02T00:24:02Z via Pumpa To: Public, sazius CC: Followers
Befor I left the #fscons for the day I jumped right in to the discussion on social networks between @sazius @mmn and @theru
It gave me some things to think about. For me some kind of central meetingpoint got lost when identi.ca became the most known instance of the new pump.io. There was a big splitupp I still feel. The biggest part joined sooner or later the fediverse of gnu social. But we are not fully satisfied there. The group-functions, once one of the strongest arguments for identi.ca don't work between different instances and as @mmn told will most likely never work. So you can just forget about it.
Pump.io seems to be some kind of useable when you use a great client like pumpa. But I still miss something like identicurse on the terminal. Not to talk about the webinterface.
Then you have friendica and diaspora: I tested those, did like them in some way but always left after a short time. More lazy than active. I just started identicurse, andstatus or mustard and met enough people to read and write toand just forgot about the other options.
It's like if the big island identi.ca that was a nice place long away from the dark continent twitter broke apart and now you have some atolls with nice little islands where people meet another and sometimes even look to the other atolls where you remember people are living you once knew. But only travelers like @sazius really take the advantage to visit all islands regularly.
I don't know the answer to the problem. I only can say I once knew which way I could show people planning to leave twitter, facebook and G+. Now I don't know any longer. I stay in some kind of habbit with gnu social, hoping for the best and somtimes I row over to this place.
Luckily I have a life AFK too.
lnxwalt@microca.st, Mike Linksvayer, Douglas Perkins, ostfriesenmärz and 1 others likes this.
Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins, Douglas Perkins and 6 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesPump.io is a really great network if you give it a chance and invest some time and effort on it. Sadly many people doesn't do that.
Also sadly, many identi.ca users didn't give it a chance when identi.ca became part of this network.
As for the several incompatible "free networks".. that's what the W3C Social WG is trying to solve. But these things take a lot of time, a lot of work, and people willing to agree on things.
JanKusanagi at 2014-11-02T01:24:50Z
ostfriesenmärz, mnd, Douglas Perkins likes this.
Diversification is vital. IMO far more so than federation. We achieved the former and are building on the latter.
Douglas Perkins at 2014-11-02T09:29:32Z
Laura Arjona Reina likes this.
With possibly only one shot to get centralized socnet users to try federated socnets, I wouldn't recommend most of the current implementations to my friends and family yet.Free Software Foundation Europe shared by gryps75 at 2014-09-12T18:40:01Z via AndStatus To: Public
Italy: High Court shoots down Windows tax
Italy's High Court has struck a blow to the practice of forcing non-free software on buyers of PCs and laptops. According to La Repubblica, the court ruled on Thursday that a laptop buyer was entitled to receive a refund for the price of the Microsoft Windows license on his computer. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: https://fellowship.fsfe.org/login/join.php Make a one time donation: http://fsfe.org/donate/donate.html
Bd Sn, SombreKnave, --, Francesca Ciceri and 8 others likes this.
Guido Arnold, --, Dana, Dana and 9 others shared this.
ostfriesenmärz shared by gryps75 at 2014-08-29T12:46:25Z via AndStatus To: Public
i don't care if you're on #twitter, #adn, #tent, #ello, #gnusocial, #pumpio or #whatever. but does it federate?Mathias Gebbe likes this.
gryps75 shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by gryps75 at 2014-08-29T08:13:49Z via AndStatus To: Public
Munich Council Say Talk of LiMux Demise Is Greatly Exaggerated - http://beta.slashdot.org/story/206337 the saga continuesgryps75 shared this.
2013-11-22T16:55:39Z via snarl.de To: Public
Glyn Moody shared by gryps75 at 2013-11-13T18:17:50Z via AndStatus To: Public
urgent: please share this analysis of #TPP leak as widely as possible - http://bit.ly/1eLCH6f public finding out is what they fear mostOlivier Mehani, Olivier Mehani, gryps75 shared this.
2013-08-15T06:13:54Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
@glynmoody @schestowitz @kirschner @ffkp There are people missing you in the fediverse of statusnet. Please become part of it (again)!2013-08-07T14:13:35Z via Puma To: Public
I remember the good times when on this time of day my timeline showed messages from more than only 3 people in 8 hours on !identica
2013-07-05T08:58:03+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
Glyn Moody shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-05T08:43:51+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
[RT] Yes We Stop: no trade talks under #surveillance - http://ur1.ca/ej262 #epetition, also in #fr and #de #TAFTA/#TTIPgryps75 shared this.
2013-07-05T08:25:17+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-05T07:47:06+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
Falkvinge: #Stasi vs. The #NSA Back To Back: Who's Worse - A Visual Guide http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/05/stasi-vs-the-u-s-nsa-back-to-back-whos-worse-and-by-how-much/2013-07-05T06:17:01+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
http://ur1.ca/ejay3 ... und übrigens finde ich die #GEMA muss abgeschafft werdenDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-04T12:12:43+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
What Edward said... https://joindiaspora.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/images/scaled_full_1bb5d805c13a22ae439a.jpgwako likes this.
gryps75, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-04T11:57:48+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
"I have a dream" https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1045136_280384168771517_800545820_n.jpgHilton Garcia Fernandes, wako, gryps75 likes this.
gryps75 shared this.
Piratenmond - Exquisit shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-04T11:55:32+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
gryps75, PiratenNRW shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by gryps75 at 2013-07-04T08:03:22+00:00 via IdentiCurse To: Public
Urgent: Please Contact MEPs Now for Spying/#TAFTA Vote - http://bit.ly/1a0IX8p ask them to support amendments now, pl. #NSAgryps75 shared this.