Dominic Hopf dmaphy@identi.ca
Hamburg, Germany
Free Software Hacker; Fedora Ambassador; Fellow of FSFE; Weird Guy; What a Pirate is meant to be;
Michael Schmidt at 2013-03-01T06:07:01+00:00
bloggt: Thank Goth It’s Friday! - http://bit.ly/YMrHvNDominic Hopf likes this.
Grml Project at 2012-06-06T21:50:22+00:00
http://2tu.us/5hyo New Grml developer: Markus UlrichDominic Hopf likes this.
Dominic Hopf, Dominic Hopf shared this.
softmetz at 2012-02-23T17:38:23+00:00
From Pro-Linux News: OpenBook »Java 7 - Mehr als eine Insel« http://bit.ly/xiCdVrDominic Hopf likes this.
Jens Kubieziel at 2012-01-31T21:12:24+00:00
Wenn ich schonmal beim Loben bin: #GetSimple ist ein schönes kleines !CMS und lohnt einen genaueren Blick: http://get-simple.info/Dominic Hopf likes this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2011-12-08T19:58:11+00:00
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Try. NOW. http://ur1.ca/6i343Dominic Hopf likes this.
linuxaria at 2011-11-10T05:00:04+00:00
Dominic Hopf likes this.
Dominic Hopf, Dominic Hopf, Billy , Billy shared this.
linuxaria at 2011-11-02T11:00:08+00:00
Dominic Hopf likes this.
Mirco da Silva at 2011-10-21T06:34:22+00:00
Piraten! Piraten! #Piraten! (Rainald Grebe - Urlaub in Deutschland) http://identi.ca/url/55647231Dominic Hopf likes this.
Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-08-10T05:18:55+00:00
Attention !IdentiCurse users: until further notice, IdentiCurse's most recent version will be at https://github.com/psquid/IdentiCurseDominic Hopf, ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ likes this.
Dominic Hopf, Dominic Hopf, The Root's Updates, The Root's Updates shared this.
Not too keen on the inability to have a URL that doesn't reference a single user, but them's the breaks. !IdentiCursePsychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-08-10T05:19:39+00:00
rowi at 2011-08-04T15:38:22+00:00
Dominic Hopf likes this.
Adhidarma Hadiwinoto at 2011-06-30T05:07:35+00:00
"chmod +s /usr/sbin/suexec" resolve my !php #mod_fcgid "suexecUserGroup directive requires SUEXEC wrapper" issue in !fedora 15Dominic Hopf likes this.
Daniel Estevez at 2011-06-09T17:18:31+00:00
♺ @linuxaria: 5 grep like commands for !linux #terminal #shell #bash http://linuxaria.com/howto/5-grep-like-commands?lang=enDominic Hopf likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ at 2011-06-08T04:09:33+00:00
The !GNU/!Linux Distribution Timeline #gldt put up (4 months ago) a timeline of their timeline! http://futurist.se/gldt/2011/02/19/timeline/Dominic Hopf likes this.
Christian Specht at 2011-05-27T18:37:51+00:00
Die TRUESTE Metal Band des bekannten Universums hab ich Euch schonmal vorgestellt, oder? http://is.gd/BjAlXCDominic Hopf likes this.
Hedayat Vatankhah at 2011-05-19T21:52:41+00:00
@__ !Fedora 16 early artworks look great already! https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F16_Artwork/Submissions/Wallpaper_ConceptDominic Hopf likes this.
Ryan Rix at 2011-05-17T04:41:12+00:00
♻ @fontana: NEW: "Disturbing Topics With @bkuhn & @fontana" podcast launches; sponsored by Canonical LTDDominic Hopf likes this.
Christian Specht at 2011-04-27T16:30:53+00:00
RT @andiheimann: Girls Watch Porn, Too http://youtu.be/asj-tiIp8DADemuxer blogspot.com, peponi, Dominic Hopf likes this.
Dominic Hopf, Dominic Hopf shared this.
peponi at 2011-04-26T14:18:29+00:00
„Gauss bewies Induktion durch einen Induktionsbeweis“ <- das is schon wieder so doof :D http://v.gd/1cCkUL typisch #InternetDominic Hopf likes this.
Jonas Jared Jacek at 2011-04-26T15:36:19+00:00
I will delete my !facebook profile later today. Here is why... http://rield.com/faq/why-is-facebook-bad.html !socialweb !privacyDominic Hopf likes this.
quantumsquirrel at 2011-04-24T17:01:41+00:00
jumping spiders <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GgAbyYDFegDominic Hopf likes this.