Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Defending your civil liberties in a digital world! Follow us to stay at the forefront of tech policy issues.
Scorpio Scorpio@datamost.com
Republic of South Africa
I'm a guy interested in Debian, FOSS, actually a alot of things... About Avatar below: Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ALewecke-gateport.jpg File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Lewecke-gateport.jpg Attribution: By Frank Lewecke, http://www.spacelands.de (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Tom Tishken kd4wov@identi.ca
Grand Island, United States
Look for me, KD4WOV, on jabber.org, identi.ca, twitter, ex-friendfeed, foursquare, Freenode irc, facebook, google hangouts, and echolink (Node: KD4WOV-R). You can hear me over ham radio and if you hear me, give me a call. My background is electronic engineering, 2 way radio, computers, and technology. gab.com/kd4wov https://gettr.com/user/kd4wov https://twitter.com/kd4wov https://parler.com/#/user/kd4wov https://rightonly.net/kd4wov https://kd4wov.tumblr.com/ https://brighteon.social/@kd4wov Also on many mastodon as kd4wov, and twit.social.
Mussot valéry mussotvalery@identi.ca
Paris, France
Webmaster de plusieurs magazines en ligne, je souhaite informer les internautes sur : - le code parrainage en ligne - les meilleurs sites de sondage rémunéré - le comparateur d'énergie avec le code parrainage total direct énergie - notre site d'échantillon gratuit a demander et a recevoir, et bien d'autres encore.
driftingcoder driftingcoder@datamost.com
clacke@libranet.de ❌ clacke@datamost.com
Sweden or Hong Kong
Saving the world by solving first-world problems. My main is at https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .
Coffeeframe Coffeeframe@pumpyourself.com
FOSS Enthusiast and Networking/Systems Administration student
G. S. Franklin, MBA, AdeC gsf@datamost.com
Kirksville, MO
I am the Data Manager for A T Still Research Institute at A. T. Still University. I work primarily as a knowledge wrangler, and sometimes as a Data Engineer, researching ways to provide better access to data and knowledge for investigators.
Tents for Cold Weather Camping OutdoorsCafeMag@fmrl.me
United States of America
Outdoor games and sports have a great role to play in our lives. Outdoors Café Magazine lets you know about Skydiving, Paragliding Destinations, Kite surfing Destinations, Best Bungee Jumping Locations, Places to Stay near Grand Canyon etc.
Alexandros alexispapy@pumpit.info
Fernando dos Santos ferox@identi.ca
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hacker. Open Source Specialist. Fedora Ambassador.
formirthonly formirthonly@pumpyourself.com