efn efn@identi.ca

EFN er en elektronisk borgerrettsorganisasjon som jobber for alles rettigheter innen medborgerskap og juridiske rettigheter i IT-samfunnet


  • Bård Aase elzapp@identi.ca

  • Øyvind A. Holm sunny256@identi.ca

    Bergen, Norway

    FOSS fanatic, programmer/sysadmin, musician now and then, photo enthusiast, atheist, some kind of anarchist. Defender of free speech.

  • Kjetil Thuen kthu@identi.ca

  • Tomas Ekeli tomasekeli@identi.ca

    Tønsberg, Norway

    Developer, and geek. I like shiny things and beer. My time is spent searching for these and with my wonderful wife and children.

  • Rødt Oslo rodtoslo@identi.ca

  • Børge A. Roum forteller@identi.ca

    Oslo sentrum, Norway

    I'm a leftie, freegan, FLOSS & web 2.0 enthusiast. Climate change is the worst threat humanity has been up against. Why don't we fix it?