Børge A. Roum forteller@identi.ca
Oslo sentrum, Norway
I'm a leftie, freegan, FLOSS & web 2.0 enthusiast. Climate change is the worst threat humanity has been up against. Why don't we fix it?
2013-06-18T18:58:25+00:00 via web To: Public
I dag har jeg lært min nevø litt HTML, og han syntes det var skikkelig kult. Synes jeg fortjener litt poeng av typen onkel og nerd.2013-06-13T15:43:13+00:00 via web To: Free Software & Culture Group, Public
19 hours left to preorder your limited edition @Fairphone! http://www.fairphone.com/ !Free !opensource !freesoftware !FaiF1hr roundtable at #MWC2013 with Mitchell Baker of !Mozilla, Mark Shuttleworth of #Ubuntu and Marc Dillon of #Jolla: http://ur1.ca/eb8ie=> https://queer.party/@greytheearthling at 2013-06-13T19:39:11+00:00
2013-06-11T09:52:36+00:00 via web To: Public
My post from 2011 about the importance of federated social networks is extra relevant after #PRISM http://ur1.ca/67pnk2013-06-07T19:02:00+00:00 via web To: Public
I said the website TL;DRlicense is good. I love the concept! But I see people say the info it provides is not correct http://ur1.ca/e8anm2013-06-07T17:41:46+00:00 via web To: Public
Talking about Free licenses. Everyone creating software for use on servers should use AGPL! The GPL for the web. http://ur1.ca/e89rb2013-06-07T17:40:24+00:00 via web To: Public
This is a really great website: Check out a human readable version of all kinds of Free/Open licenses http://www.tldrlegal.com/2013-05-31T17:37:33+00:00 To: Public
Awesome! #Vodo is back! Looking so much better than before. Go check out and support some free, indie films! http://vodo.net/new2me but rly awesome! thx! ♻ @forteller #Vodo is back! Go check out & support some free, indie films! http://vodo.net/2013-05-30T13:57:41+00:00 via web To: Public
Very good! Jon Stewart rips Obama for aggressive investigation of whistle-blowers instead of bankers http://ur1.ca/e3qnc2013-05-28T12:57:47+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Man. After @doctorow and others RT'd me people are flooding in to the pad and I feel like I''m performing on a stage! Few actually help tho2013-05-28T12:02:17+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
I've started copywriting @doctorow's great talk at Sense about Science. Feel free to join me if you'd like: http://ur1.ca/e2o5u2013-05-26T13:29:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Also: The @Fairphone is working to make it possible to install other OS's on the phone like !Ubuntu, !Firefox, Sailfish. Who else does that?Milo shared this.
2013-05-26T13:28:08+00:00 To: Public
I've just preordered the @Fairphone! We need to support efforts to make electronics that are not blood stained! http://www.fairphone.com/2013-05-25T10:37:04+00:00 To: Flattr, Public
The most flattering e-mail I ever get: "You were just flattred" Thank you anonymous friend! :) https://flattr.com/profile/forteller @flattr2013-05-19T14:27:12+00:00 To: Public
#Yahoo is buying #Tumblr!? Fuck! Why did Posterous have to close down? :( Any other good alternative to Tumblr? http://ur1.ca/dxjhwGood news ! Another 275,000 users for the Pump :-)Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2013-05-19T14:34:42+00:00
2013-05-19T14:23:00+00:00 To: Public
Aah! Ligge i sola og lese det nye arbeidsprogrammet til @Partiet! Odd Børretzen hadde sannelig rett. Du kan også. Her http://ur1.ca/dxjf82013-05-15T12:44:23+00:00 To: Public
Jeg håper du har lyst til å komme og se film med meg i morgen! http://ur1.ca/dv7co2013-05-15T11:10:31+00:00 To: Public
Is this guy for real? Ble visst nødt til å svare igjen: http://ur1.ca/dv6bq @sverriss @steinarbeinhar @marthe_valle @bengal1536 @amundjo2013-05-13T14:58:41+00:00 To: Public
Hvor mye økologisk bruker dere @Stormberg? Og hvordan går det med å fase ut bomull? Linken her funker ikke: http://ur1.ca/du60j @norrona2013-05-13T14:57:09+00:00 To: Public
Ante ikke at @Stormberg har en konkurrent i @norrona om å være Norges beste klesprodusent. Økologisk og reparasjon http://ur1.ca/du5zy