Eibriel Inv eibriel@identi.ca
2014-07-05T01:02:36Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Testing identi.ca again, after long time!Eibriel Inv likes this.
2013-03-21T23:45:23+00:00 in Argentina via Gwibber To: Public
Stereoscopic Rendering on Cycles (On Development) http://is.gd/kaqLOg2013-02-11T04:59:18+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
¿What is rDany? The free personal assistant: http://ur1.ca/crwtx #PersonalAssistant #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #IA2013-02-11T04:58:11+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
2012-12-22T22:49:19+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
Mi proyecto de #robotica, rDany. Muy pronto en #Ideame!! #robot #crowdfounding - http://ur1.ca/c8mbo2012-11-25T15:15:51+00:00 in Argentina via Gwibber To: Public
Y si querés saber cuanto valdría Apple en oro: "(apple market capitalization) divided by (gold price convert to kilogram)" #WolframAlpha2012-11-25T14:54:35+00:00 in Argentina via Gwibber To: Public
Conocen el "buscador" #WolgramBeta ?Cuanto tardarías en ver las pelis de Bergman? buscá: "total movies with director Ingmar Bergman runtime"2012-11-19T21:35:25+00:00 in Argentina via Gwibber To: Public
Se pusieron a pensar que al Universo pueden estar dándole Pausa, FF, Rebobinándolo y de nuevo Play y nosotros jamás nos enteraríamos?2012-11-14T14:31:41+00:00 in Argentina via Gwibber To: Public
2012-09-30T22:42:20+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
"Motion Capture" on Blender with Accelerometer http://ur1.ca/agb4r #MoCap, #Blender, #Blender3D, #ArduinoChristina Haralanova shared by Eibriel Inv at 2012-09-07T03:39:38+00:00 via web To: Public
Where #Apple gets design inspiration? From the old (really old) stuff. http://identi.ca/url/73453145 via @diablod3Eibriel Inv, Eibriel Inv, gryps75, gryps75 and 4 others shared this.
Christina Haralanova shared by Eibriel Inv at 2012-09-07T03:39:38+00:00 via web To: Public
Where #Apple gets design inspiration? From the old (really old) stuff. http://identi.ca/url/73453145 via @diablod3Eibriel Inv, Eibriel Inv, gryps75, gryps75 and 4 others shared this.
2012-09-07T03:31:17+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
[Che! Blender Buenos Aires](http://tinyurl.com/8cfa4pf) - Encuentro de usuarios de #Blender de #Argentina. - #b3d2012-08-26T00:14:59+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
2012-08-25T23:27:24+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
2012-08-21T23:31:06+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
2012-08-11T20:51:31+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
En el ojo de la tormenta! http://ur1.ca/9xofm2012-08-11T17:40:39+00:00 in Argentina via web To: Public
Y así fue como salió el Sol.Christina Haralanova shared by Eibriel Inv at 2012-08-10T17:01:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Priorities! @TheAtlantic Hosting the #Olympics is *six times* more expensive than flying a robot to #Mars. CHART: http://theatln.tc/ONIbg6Guido Arnold likes this.
Sofian, Sofian, Guido Arnold, Guido Arnold and 4 others shared this.
Christina Haralanova shared by Eibriel Inv at 2012-08-10T17:01:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Priorities! @TheAtlantic Hosting the #Olympics is *six times* more expensive than flying a robot to #Mars. CHART: http://theatln.tc/ONIbg6Guido Arnold likes this.
Sofian, Sofian, Guido Arnold, Guido Arnold and 4 others shared this.