Andrea Scarpino ilpianista@fmrl.me
Lecce, Italy
Account mainly used for Choqok tests. Please follow me at ilpianista@functional.cafe instead. Software developer involved in FOSS (Choqok dev, former Arch Linux dev and more). Privacy and Open Source evangelist.
João Patrício jofazepa@identi.ca
Setúbal, Portugal
um gajo espectacular. por dentro e por fora. genialidade integral, simpatia e sex appeal. Irresistível ser humano e fantástico sistema músculo-esquelético. #livros, #filmes, #música, #aikido, #banda-desenhada, #jogos-de-mesa, #software-livre.
Xavier Raffin xavierraffin@identi.ca
Toulouse, France
Passionné de logiciel libre, Linux, OpenStreetMap, ... http://xavierraffin.com
Kolab Groupware kolaborg@identi.ca
Kolab is a #FreeSoftware personal information management solution and groupware.
Thiago Jung Bauermann bauermann@identi.ca
Cinco Anzóis, Brazil
Just another soul walking the earth. Geek, GDB hacker, adventure seeker, etc.
Ashish Verma binarytree@identi.ca
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all My name is ashish verma. I live in Melbourne. I am running a small web design & development business in Melbourne Australia.
toulibre.org toulibreorg@identi.ca
Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Groupe d'utilisateur de logiciel libre de #Toulouse. #Toulibre. Association organisatrice du #capitoledulibre
kenami / Martín Ponce kenami@identi.ca
Mèxico, Ciudad
méxico mx nah tr ytech -- cemani topco -- i18n l10n Linux kde ¿gnome? Unix rdbms sql plsql mysql? dmd
Ivan Čukić ivancukic@identi.ca
Belgrade, Serbia
KDE developer and Free/Libre software enthusiast, KDE e.V. member
Jure Repinc (JLP) jrepin@identi.ca
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pirate, GNU/Linux / free software / open source fan, contributor to Thousand Parsec (a free 4X space strategy game) and KDE (the best desktop)
Bruce Byfield nanday@identi.ca
Vancouver, Canada
I'm a freelance journalist who covers free software. I also read almost anything, exercise heavily, and study Northwest Coast Art.
Alex Fiestas afiestas@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Catalan free software hacker involved in KDE, currently working on BlueSystems
Jonathan Kolberg bulldog98@identi.ca
Langweiler, Germany
Ich bin Linuxuser nutzte KDE SC und entwickle bei KDE und Kubuntu mit. Ich entwickle auch bei http://invertika.org/ mit.