Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou at

I just got caught up on requests for new passwords for people who had no email address, or an out-of-date email address, on identi.ca.

If you or someone you know is still having trouble getting onto identi.ca, please have them email me at evan@e14n.com with their username and any other info. I will try to set up a new account for them.

Also, if anyone you know had an inactive account that didn't get migrated, please have them email me, too. I'm going to set up stoi.ca for identi.ca orphans who missed the first wave.

Cyber Killer, Christian M. Grube, Mark Jaroski, mray@fmrl.me and 4 others likes this.

Space Hobo, Paco Vila, gdk, morgenland and 8 others shared this.

Oh excellent. MIchael C Harris (michaeltwofish) is a traitor but posted a 'Lazarus post' but missed the cutoff. Please resurrect him. He will be really pleased.

Andy C at 2013-07-18T08:34:14Z

rpcutts likes this.