I never considered myself a diplomat, so it came as a surprise to be labelled as one last month by the Spanish government. Officially, Spanish emigrant scientists like me, forced to leave Spain because of the dire circumstances surrounding research at home, did not previously exist. We were told we were an ‘urban legend’. Now, I learn, not only am I real but I am also part of a deliberate and cunning political strategy by the Spanish government to send scientists overseas to seed international collaboration and to strengthen, not weaken, Spanish science.
nukem, clacke@libranet.de ❌ likes this.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ shared this.
2016-07-19T20:13:09Z via Dianara CC: Public
Charles Stanhope, Sarah Elkins, ximoberna, EVAnaRkISTO likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
2016-06-19T17:10:30Z via Dianara CC: Followers, Public
Security Researchers: Tell the W3C To Protect Researchers Who Investigate Browsers
Arcee, Arcee, Iñaki Arenaza, Iñaki Arenaza shared this.
2016-06-17T11:48:19Z via Dianara CC: Public
My wiki is working again!
I have migrated to another server, complete with mysql backup and files. All is just like it was before!
Also, I have updated Copying Is Not Theft to lilypond version 2.19.41
2016-06-04T07:47:53Z via Dianara CC: Public
Just read that OwnCloud closes http://fortune.com/2016/06/03/what-happened-to-owncloud/ , continues on Germany only https://owncloud.com/de/ , a foundation is created https://owncloud.com/owncloud-announces-formation-owncloud-foundation/ and a fork happens: Nextcloud http://www.silicon.de/41627901/ehemaliger-owncloud-cto-karlitschek-hat-fork-nextcloud-gegruendet/ . I'm a happy user with a personal instance.
2016-05-06T07:11:48Z via Dianara CC: Public
Trump-loving tow truck driver says God told him to abandon a disabled Bernie Sanders supporter http://wlos.com/news/local/tow-truck-driver-refuses-to-tow-motorist-over-bernie-bumper-sticker/
2016-04-27T11:54:09Z via Dianara CC: Public
Done updating Spanish translation of GNU LilyPond manuals and website after several years of inactivity due to my Ph.D. thesis http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/translation
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Now it's time for Frescobaldi https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi and the LilyPond program itself https://translationproject.org/domain/lilypond.html
2016-03-17T16:01:17Z via Dianara CC: Public
Sad news: Sebastian Rahtz has passed away.
2016-02-02T11:28:29Z via Dianara CC: Followers, Public
Roger is trying to use his brain to make the server work. It hasn’t worked yet.
in https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/hiatus/
2016-01-08T18:25:38Z via Dianara CC: Public
Compile + install of the day: miniDLNA/ReadyMedia UPnP server. Running as plain user. Pure DLNA client devices work, failing at OGG files. Only UPnPlayer clients can play OGG. http://sourceforge.net/projects/minidlna/ Thanks to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ReadyMedia for help on configuring
Arcee shared this.
2016-01-04T19:59:03Z via Dianara CC: Public
Oh sh*t. The GIMP gets very confused on a dual-head setup. It locates mouse as relative to the whole width of both desktops added.
BTW other apps work just fine. Xinerama, clone=off, different desktop backgrounds, even different xscreensavers on each monitor!
My setup is dual card (two cheap nvidias, 1Gb, NOUVEAU driver)
2015-11-26T08:52:20Z via Dianara CC: Followers, Public
Now they come with a computer. https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-zero/
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Dana, Dana shared this.
yeah ... remember at the begining there was even no CD, just plain text code for you to type and run by hand ! ... XD
Yep. Thats how I got started.. One person reads the other types.. then you execute the program.. and... Bug, typo, etc. whihc you had to hund down and fix...
there should be more of that.
2015-11-16T13:45:35Z via Puma To: Public
Ahora Acrobat Reader para Android pide permiso para acceder a la cámara. Se va a quedar con las ganas. ¿Para qué un visor de PDF necesita eso? Desinstalando y buscando uno libre. Mucho he tardado.
2015-10-28T10:18:26Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
2014-12-10T10:41:34Z via Dianara CC: Public
Print it folded, then unfold it.
The Kinematics dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdRswasftfI
2014-12-08T19:11:10Z via Dianara CC: Public
Madrid alone to spend 20,4M EUR in Oracle software licenses http://apiscam.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/acuerdo-de-gobierno-de-la-cm-de.html
2014-10-09T16:51:32Z via Dianara To: Public
Dear Mr. geocentrist: http://s18.postimg.org/r2a2xbiuf/image.gif [GIF, 2.2MB]
2014-10-03T09:32:37Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Girl Scouts: Science with a sparkle. Ciencia con chispitas http://boingboing.net/2014/10/02/can-you-spot-the-difference-be.html Oh, come on