Evgeni Golov evgeni@identi.ca
Duesseldorf, Germany
Debian Developer, Python Coder, Spam Hater, Geek
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya miguelangelordonez@identi.ca
Me gusta Gnu/Debian, la ecología, la filosofía y la economía a escala humana. Fan del Software libre y del conocimiento en abierto. GNU social quitter.se/finonils diaspora* miguemoya@diasp.eu
Laura Arjona Reina larjona@identi.ca
Madrid, Spain
Trying to live according to the Golden Rule. Studying, using and promoting Libre Software (Software that respects your freedom) https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
Steven Rosenberg passthejoe@identi.ca
Los Angeles, United States
Steven Rosenberg writes about many things. I currently run Fedora Linux on my personal hardware, Windows on my non-personal hardware.
Daniele Tricoli eriol@identi.ca
Solar System
Generic humanoid carbon unit with passion for problem solving.
Open attitude openattitude@identi.ca
Paragould, United States
Fair use, free software, unlocked phones and other things that are open. A blog and shared links by @acurrie
Jorge Espada jespada@identi.ca
Córdoba, Argentina
Software Engineer, SysAdmin. Unix/Linux fan guy, Judoka. IRC: jespada. Always Learning.