Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter fairvotewrc@identi.ca
Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada
The aims and objectives of the Chapter are: * to support the goals of Fair Vote Canada and its multi-partisan, citizen-based campaign; * to provide a means for people in Waterloo Region to participate in the creation of a new voting system; and * to provide information on voting system reform to the public.
2013-11-10T08:05:38Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Fairvote Waterloo now has a Web site: http://fairvotewrc.ca2013-09-16T17:19:16Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Sunday is International Day of Democracy, but on Monday, 16 September 2013 the Waterloo Region Chapter of Fair Vote Canada is celebrating by holding a Walk, Rally, Talk and Pub Night.
Meet at Kitchener City Hall at 6:00pm to walk to Waterloo Square. Banners, placards, whistles, pots & pans are all welcome to make a lot of noise for electoral reform!</p><p>At 6:45 Craig Scott, MP for Toronto Danforth and NDP electoral reform critic and Anita Nickerson, FVC's Executive Director will address a short rally at Waterloo Square. At 7:00pm Craig will speak at First United Church, 16 William North about the the NDP's policy on electoral reform and listen to our concerns about electoral reform.
This is a great opportunity to share with the NDP the need to make electoral reform a major election issue in 2015 & highlight the need for electoral reform to our community.
Following the Walk, Rally, and Talk the Waterloo Region Fair Voters, Friends, and Relations will retire to The Duke of Wellington Pub to continue the conversation.2013-06-26T17:56:53+00:00 via web To: Electoral Reform, Public
Tonight 7pm: Annual General Meeting at Misty Mountain Coffee, 33 Queen St. W. http://ur1.ca/eg6pz !fairvote2013-06-24T23:02:29+00:00 via web To: Electoral Reform, Public
"Whipped" is about to start; good crowd in the audience http://ur1.ca/e65oe !fairvote2013-06-24T17:55:39+00:00 via web To: Electoral Reform, Public
!FairVote movie tonight: "Whipped: The Secret World of Party Discipline" http://ur1.ca/e65oe Meet the filmmaker!kwpeace shared this.
2013-04-09T22:12:40+00:00 via web To: Electoral Reform, Public
Yesterday !FairVote Waterloo Region presented a petition for !Electoral_Reform to Waterloo MP @PeterBraid http://ur1.ca/dbpfxThe Root's Updates, The Root's Updates shared this.
2013-04-09T06:50:08+00:00 via web To: Public
[…]this requires leaders capable of listening & working […] rather than simply issuing commands and bullying citizens http://ur1.ca/dbexx2013-04-09T06:47:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Proportional Representation encourages consensus, and a government that[…]actually governs for the public good http://ur1.ca/dbexx #LPCldr2013-03-22T01:32:25+00:00 via mbpidgin To: laurelrusswurm, Electoral Reform, a(n) group, Public
@laurelrusswurm writes: What incentive is there to vote when your vote doesn’t count? http://ur1.ca/d4uut !cdnpoli !fairvoteBob Jonkman, Bob Jonkman shared this.
2013-03-11T06:02:38+00:00 via mbpidgin To: a(n) group, Public
♻ @stephenlautens Harper calls Chavez "undemocratic", but Chavez got 63% in last free & legitimate vote, and Harper rules with…39% !cdnpoliB. Ross Ashley, B. Ross Ashley shared this.
2013-01-17T00:58:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Gentleman in the audience lives in Guelph, received #Robocall, looked out his window to see if the polling station was still open (it was)2013-01-17T00:57:27+00:00 via web To: Public
To falsely pose as an official of Elections Canada is illegal, so no need to prove that people were prevented from voting #Robocall2013-01-17T00:50:47+00:00 via mbpidgin To: a(n) person, Public
2013-01-17T00:47:27+00:00 via web To: Public
"In and Out Scheme" was designed to circumvent election spending rules; move money to riding associations to obscure funding in 70 ridings2013-01-17T00:42:42+00:00 via web To: a(n) person, Public
2013-01-17T00:37:27+00:00 via web To: Public
Typical commercial #Robocall gets maybe 3 complaints for 25,000 messages sent2013-01-17T00:29:40+00:00 via web To: a(n) person, Public
@JimHarris's article on #Robocall was most popular item on HuffPo for over a month http://ur1.ca/cjqt92013-01-17T00:27:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Guelph Green Party candidate's wife received a #Robocall, sent volunteers to direct people back to correct polling station2013-01-17T00:23:56+00:00 via web To: Public
#Robocall is not just "dirty tricks", it is Election Fraud