Fernando Ike de Oliveira fernandoike@identi.ca
Brasília, Brazil
Debian Maintainer and PostgreSQL Volunteer
Marcelo Santana mgsantana@identi.ca
Recife, Brazil
Debian l10n Portuguese team member, electronic engineer passionate about technology, free software and open standards.
Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA ld@identi.ca
Santana, Brazil
Orthodox Proteſtant Chriſtian Relational data adminiſtrator
Erick Tostes ericktostes@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
"Many a good man has been put under the bridge by a woman" @Bukowski
Francisco Aparecido da Silva fafanet@identi.ca
I like GNU/Linux, I love freedom, and I read too many webcomics. I'm a very happy user of GNU/Debian, Gnome, Vim and Mutt.
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel faw@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Brazilian/Dutch, Computer Scientist, Debian Developer, System Administrator, Free Software Enthusiast