Today I tagged the development version of my client, Dianara, as "alpha", in preparation for the next release by the end of the month.
The most noticeable changes, as illustrated in the screenshot, are:
Also, building Dianara with Qt 5 is officially supported now. Note that your system will need a Qt 5 build of the QOAuth library, which most GNU/linux distributions still don't provide. Mageia 6 does, and so does openSUSE (in a separate repository).
If your system's language is German, you'll also have a full German translation, thanks to @Bd Sn, who got the translation up to date again!
As always, code here:, and instructions to build in the INSTALL file.
Testing and feedback is appreciated =)
Douglas Perkins, Christopher Allan Webber, der.hans, Bd Sn and 9 others likes this.
Colegota, Christopher Allan Webber, der.hans, legolas and 4 others shared this.
Software Freedom Conservancy shared by Marcelo Santana at 2016-09-04T12:56:23Z via AndStatus To: Public
Bradley and Karen give a basic introduction of copyright licensing of Open Source and Free Software.
This show was released on Friday 2 September 2016; its running time is 01:02:03.
der.hans, Francisco M García Claramonte, Charles Stanhope, mray INACTIVE and 5 others likes this.
der.hans, Marcelo Santana, Marcelo Santana, Lars Wirzenius and 1 others shared this.
So you weren't joking when you said you'd have a more regular schedule :-) Nice!
sazius at 2016-09-02T16:51:02Z
mray INACTIVE, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
(offtopic, you need a new avatar. Apparently yours was still hosted at domain :p)
JanKusanagi at 2016-09-03T12:17:15Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Software Freedom Conservancy shared by Marcelo Santana at 2016-09-04T12:56:15Z via AndStatus To: Public
Bradley and Karen give a basic introduction of copyright licensing of Open Source and Free Software.
This show was released on Friday 2 September 2016; its running time is 01:02:03.
der.hans, Francisco M García Claramonte, Charles Stanhope, mray INACTIVE and 5 others likes this.
der.hans, Marcelo Santana, Marcelo Santana, Lars Wirzenius and 1 others shared this.
So you weren't joking when you said you'd have a more regular schedule :-) Nice!
sazius at 2016-09-02T16:51:02Z
mray INACTIVE, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
(offtopic, you need a new avatar. Apparently yours was still hosted at domain :p)
JanKusanagi at 2016-09-03T12:17:15Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
2016-07-09T17:56:13Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
♺ @Debian: All recorded DebConf16 sessions have already been reviewed and published by our video team, you can find them here:
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
2016-07-09T15:57:58Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Terminou hoje a conferência anual do Debian, DebConf 16. Ano que vem, a DebConf 17 acontecerá em Montreal, Canadá, de 06 a 12 de agosto.
2016-07-09T15:44:57Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
The difficulties were many but the team work overcame all adversity and helped make the dream become true. Congratulations DebConf16 orga team!
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
2016-07-08T16:14:32Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
My congratulations to the #DebConf video team. As usual, they are doing an amazing work at #DebConf16
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
2016-06-28T12:26:08Z via To: Public
2016-05-03T13:24:26Z via Web CC: Public
2016-05-03T13:05:06Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
2016-05-03T12:54:16Z via To: Public
Riscos para milhões de motoristas que usam #waze:
Aproveitando, alguém conhece um substituto de código aberto para essa praga chamada #Waze?
2016-04-29T15:10:20Z via To: Public
shared by Marcelo Santana at 2016-04-21T23:46:55Z via AndStatus To: Public
gledof likes this.
Marcelo Santana, Free Software Foundation, gledof, gledof shared this.