Filipe Saraiva

Filipe Saraiva at

Plume Creator packed for Mageia!
It will be available in next Mageia stable release (Mageia 4).

Mageia Cauldron users - you can install Plume Creator in Mageia now!

Oh, I see my comment went to the deleted note :p

(Dianara 1.0 allows editing, btw)

Have you compared this to Calligra Author?

JanKusanagi at 2013-11-18T00:08:27Z

Hi Jan!

Yes, I compared both editors. For now, Author is very simple and it don't have any planning phase feature. Plume have more advanced features this moment.

But, Calligra Author developers are seeing Plume to get some features to Author. Check:

I am using Plume now and I recommend it.

Filipe Saraiva at 2013-11-18T12:07:25Z

Niiiice. Options, options! =)

JanKusanagi at 2013-11-18T13:20:54Z