Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2013-09-08T03:33:38Z
買買買!筆記型電腦、滑鼠、滑鼠墊、鍵盤防塵膠膜、網路線、電源延長線、市電插座轉USB插座轉換接頭(真的有!)、以及USB供電無聲電風扇(坐經濟艙來的無印良品)。筆電減震內包、網路易拉線、還有筆電鎖。爸爸比孩子還享受開學大採購的樂趣,第一次有筆電的新鮮人哪裡知道要買這些東西嘛!Florence T.M. Ko likes this.
fugitive for life 一生逃役
fugitive for life 一生逃役 http://gobblin.se/u/trc/m/fugitive-for-life/ GIMP is for the artistically challenged. 沒藝術天份者可用 GIMP。Florence T.M. Ko, Christopher Allan Webber, Mike Linksvayer, Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
Wow, scared by the photo when I logged in identi.ca today, but turned into laughing after a few second. It's really a cool photo! XDFlorence T.M. Ko at 2013-07-29T08:36:41Z
Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2013-06-28T07:17:34+00:00
四女子,一犬,一中年男。快要客滿的咖啡座。下午三點。 http://driftercoffee.blogspot.com/ Four females, one dog, one middle-aged man. A cafe almost full. 3 pm is now.Florence T.M. Ko likes this.
@trc Comfortable?Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2012-12-04T09:07:25+00:00
給即將申請大學入學的高中生的建議:可以不用考慮清華大學。 http://newtalk.tw/news_read.php?oid=31647Florence T.M. Ko likes this.
Florence T.M. Ko, Florence T.M. Ko shared this.