Deb Nicholson at 2010-10-06T15:54:07+00:00 the song written in 1348 different programming languages. #forfunforest mars likes this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-01-07T14:53:53+00:00
forest mars, Bruce Cowan, Evan Prodromou, The Anarcat and 6 others likes this.
joab jackson shared this.
Dan Dart at 2010-02-05T17:17:27+00:00
!identica - are there any "subscribe to me on" icons for my site like there are "follow me on twitter"?forest mars likes this.
@dandart see here in the wiki INACTIVE at 2009-06-19T15:21:31+00:00
watch the #openvideo converence live! mars likes this.
Matthew Davidson at 2009-06-06T03:17:37+00:00
Sean Effel does a tremendous job with Go there before doing anything you've not done before with !Drupal.forest mars likes this.
snarf at 2009-05-19T06:06:38+00:00
Marc Rotenberg on Security vs. !Privacy: mars likes this.
John Eckman at 2009-03-05T15:46:10+00:00
*Wealth of Networks* by Yochai Benkler is "the Adam Smith of the Internets" @dweinberger at #drupalconforest mars likes this.