Pascal Mages freeminded@identi.ca
Thomas Jensch at 2011-03-15T17:14:46+00:00
lol. #DasIstDochEinfachNichWahr Einen Tequila bitte... #WennDirDasLebenEineZitroneGibtPascal Mages likes this.
Jan Wildeboer at 2010-07-30T08:08:24+00:00
If you talk about open {source, standards, data} with only a twitter account, you are #fail. Use #identica if you want to walk the walk.Bruce Cowan, n2x, Ricardo Dias Marques, Osama Khalid and 2 others likes this.
Hank Scanlin, Hank Scanlin, n2x, n2x and 2 others shared this.