
Freemor at

>> Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠):

"E-mail is dying. Most e-mail goes through gmail now."

I'd say "a Lot" or "a ton" but certainly not MOST. I run my own mail server and thus have a good idea where mail is coming from and going to, and I see A LOT that isn't Google.

As for e-mail "dying" I don't think that is true at all. #1 thing people still ask me for help with is e-mail. It my be falling out of favour with the younger crowd but then from what I can see many of them are just running from "Hot platform X" to "Hot platform Y"... for what seems to me no reason in particular. E-mail, like IRC is just too damn useful to die and too well deployed for Google to be able to push through any big changes. Their user base would loose their (sounds like) shirt if suddenly they couldn't send or recieve e-mail from non-google contacts. yep.  Several business near me want to email me my receipt. None of the alternatives would reliably let then do that

Diane Trout at 2017-03-23T15:38:07Z