
Freemor at just curious, why mumble over Sip/zrtp. Have a weekly remote video conference I do via Sip/zrtp. It works flawlessly for the most part. I'm always looking for interesting new voip options tho.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.

Is that trivial to do when both clients are behind NAT? What client is the best, and what free online middle-men are good?

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-05-08T09:16:27Z

Freemor likes this.

Great, thanks for the thorough replies. I tried to quickly set up a call Jitsi to Jitsi the other week and ran into thing after thing and gave up. Ekiga apparently doesn't like NATted clients, Ippi had some other problem and then my time was up. Skype fails due to some Pulse issue on this machine (is this 2015?), so our fallback was Skype in Windows. :-(

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2015-05-08T15:02:17Z

X11R5 likes this.