Functional Jobs functionaljobs@identi.ca
Longwood, United States
Dream jobs for functional programmers – Erlang, OCaml, Haskell, Scheme, F#, Lisp, and more!
Oliver Dunkl od1@identi.ca
Vienna, Austria
programming, emacs, org-mode, haskell, functional programming
Michael Paulukonis othermichael@identi.ca
Durham Center, United States
thinks markov chains = "pretty cool"; drinks too much coffee; fascinated by "hello, world!"; throws wikis at problems to watch them go away
Byron Gibson byrongibson@identi.ca
Øyvind A. Holm sunny256@identi.ca
Bergen, Norway
FOSS fanatic, programmer/sysadmin, musician now and then, photo enthusiast, atheist, some kind of anarchist. Defender of free speech.
Hezy Amiel hezy@identi.ca
Ruẖama, Israel
A physics teacher and a science fan. User of free software, student of interesting things.
Balwinder S Dheeman bdheeman@identi.ca
Freelance Mass-production, Software, Technology, Stocks and Investment Consultant; yes I wear many hats :)
GaeliX : Gwelloc’h distreiñ diwar hanter hent eget ober gwall veaj gaelix@identi.ca
Saint-Germain-lès-Corbeil, France