Gervais Mulongoy gervais@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
The passions in life are my wife, my family and coding!
jrobb jrobb@pi.jrobb.org
triad, NC, United States
This instance is running on my raspberryPi. After I evaluate how stable this is, I have migrated to this instance since my VPS has been unreliable and I can federate my services better in this way. Also see my backup pump: jrobb@microca.st I'm a linux enthusiast and use free software whenever I can. At work I'm a software engineer group lead, working on new sw (PB/Python) and legacy sw (VB6)...and a lot of other random things.
The Ottawa Ross ottaross@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
My under-used alternate universe. I end up here when Twitter fails or I'm feeling like a rebel.
Mike Bleiweiss kwabbles@identi.ca
*nix fanatic, systems engineer who also dabbles in lisp, python and x86 assembler - daily surfer and all around weirdo
Mitchell McKenna mitchellmckenna@identi.ca
Software Developer, Web Designer, Informatics, Tech Junkie, Social Media
Christopher Yee Mon tinygrasshopper@identi.ca
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.