Gervais Mulongoy gervais@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
The passions in life are my wife, my family and coding!
Sarven Capadisli at 2013-09-08T11:03:09Z
I feel that traditional desktop (and maybe mobile) web UIs no longer interest me. At the end of the day, they are all "scroll-based" interactions.
Nowadays, I feel that I'm procrastinating as I scroll and pass through what all the groups or people say. This is not because what they say doesn't interest me, but perhaps my attention span and the availability of the amount of information just doesn't go well together.
While I may be interested in loads of broadcasting units (of all sorts), only a fraction of what they say interests me at a particular time.
We need a hardcore customized information system. Subscribing to all my friends, colleagues, organizations, or even a particular set of categories just doesn't cut it.
For example, I would like to know about x, when I'm feeling y, given that it is magically inline with my profile p.
Therefore, I think that new UX designs should be created around that. If it requires a different way of interacting with the information (e.g., something other than scrolling, or clicking around a bunch of times), that's probably a good sign towards how we should consume information.
#UX #informationGervais Mulongoy, Billy, Patrick Haverkamp likes this.
I took time-out from Twitter partly because of the volume of mediocre content I was consuming. Recently I discovered the Discover feature which filters tweets based on I believe fuzzy logic popularity in my social circle., It works well, and offers an insight to how bots could help reduce the daily drudgery of things we read online.Command Line Magic at 2012-04-27T14:18:27+00:00
Those who give up control of their computer for convenience, will end up with neither.Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Christopher Allan Webber, Command Line Magic, a(n) person and 2 others likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno and 14 others shared this.
Command Line Magic at 2011-10-28T15:31:55+00:00
sudo !! # This is a popular one. This runs the previous command and prefixes it with sudo to run it as root.Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
Octavio Alvarez, Octavio Alvarez shared this.
♻ @climagic: sudo !! # This is a popular one. This runs the previous command and prefixes it with sudo to run it as root.Gervais Mulongoy at 2011-04-28T17:33:36+00:00
yes http://slackware.com/announce/13.37.php i grew up on this even if I hurt myself with #gentoo I remember #slackware fondly!Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
Command Line Magic at 2011-02-02T19:47:04+00:00
Linux sex: date ; unzip ; strip; touch; mount; etc.. Windows sex: start ; explore ; reboot ; viruscheck ; solitaireKeith Z-G, Steven! Ragnarök, Command Line Magic, Sander and 6 others likes this.
Emilio Velis, Emilio Velis, Gatitac, KanGouLya and 30 others shared this.
Gervais Mulongoy at 2010-08-24T17:48:14+00:00
my linguistic sense just went off - http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/ <== ZOMG say what, if this works on android the possibilities!Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
Gervais Mulongoy at 2010-08-24T15:46:39+00:00
the use of numbers to bring order to the chaos - its only temporary but long enough for minds to coalesce and knowledge to accrue #imonarollGervais Mulongoy likes this.
Gervais Mulongoy at 2010-08-24T15:34:31+00:00
classic read please enjoy: http://chem.tufts.edu/AnswersInScience/RelativityofWrong.htmGervais Mulongoy likes this.
Gervais Mulongoy at 2010-06-07T13:18:35+00:00
Network administrators: When a problem is yours, own it. When a problem isn't yours, prove it. (source:http://www.networkflowanalysis.com/)Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
Gervais Mulongoy at 2010-05-28T01:09:32+00:00
so you see ladys and gentlemens this is why i believe in the interwebs power of information mercury flying shoes. time for relaxGervais Mulongoy likes this.
Stephen Paul Weber at 2010-02-12T13:18:53+00:00
HTC, stop texting me! Can't you see I don't want your software update?Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
@singpolyma did u call them already?Bradley M. Kuhn at 2009-11-05T14:25:09+00:00
Clearing out log email reminded me: My brother once shoulder-surfed my email & asked:"Who is Cron Daemon? Dad gets email from that guy, too"Osama Khalid, Romain Gauthier, clacke@libranet.de ❌, Gervais Mulongoy and 9 others likes this.
Greg Grossmeier at 2009-06-18T23:49:59+00:00
hmm, dear #lazyweb, how do I set cron to only run every other thursday starting next thursday (week 25 of the year)?Gervais Mulongoy likes this.
@greg try this - 0 0 8-14,22-28 * thuChristopher Allan Webber at 2009-05-19T15:48:10+00:00
!gnu Thought while showering: people who manage to run 100% free software (no binary blobs) should be called "gnudists"Gervais Mulongoy, keyist, rpcutts, Odin Omdal Hørthe and 7 others likes this.
4yrs2l8 at 2009-05-10T07:46:16+00:00
!q Only the possibility of being wrong will keep science from becoming a sheer cultural activity.Gervais Mulongoy likes this.