Graham Perrin grahamperrin@identi.ca
Hove, United Kingdom
I am now all the things that I was when Identi.ca used StatusNet, plus a little more.
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@identi.ca
Between Jabberia and the Pumpiverse!
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide.html Users by language: https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Users-by-language Some tips: http://communicationfreedom.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/pump-io-tips/ And if your Pump.io server is identi.ca, check this out: https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ This is a secondary account to jankusanagi@datamost.com, so you should probably follow that one.
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Susan Pinochet sdp0@identi.ca
Atlanta, United States
avid computer user, former programmer, lover of good design, armchair philosopher, lesbian homemaker
Sourcefabric sourcefabric@identi.ca
Prague, Czechia
Adam, Communications Manager at Sourcefabric, makers of Airtime, Newscoop, Superdesk and Booktype: open source software for media.
Emory Lundberg emory@identi.ca
Martin Spasovski moondowner@identi.ca
Skopje, Macedonia
The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving. | student @ ii.edu.mk |
Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.