Greg Grossmeier

Greg Grossmeier at

When the good barista isn't working and you order a macchiato and you get a latte looking thing.

macchi latte
mocchi latte
mochi latte
One mocha latte, coming up!

Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-10-09T18:19:25Z

Greg Grossmeier, cmhobbs, likes this.

Yay! The good barista just showed up and he's making me a free one :) :) :)

I love awesome people. They're so awesome.

Greg Grossmeier at 2014-10-09T18:53:33Z

Susan Pinochet likes this.

>> Greg Grossmeier:

“Yay! The good barista just showed up and he's making me a free one :) :) :)
I love awesome people. They're so awesome.”

Plot twist: the good barista follows you on

Francesca Ciceri at 2014-10-09T19:03:35Z

Susan Pinochet, Christopher Allan Webber, Greg Grossmeier likes this.