Francesca Ciceri madamezou@identi.ca
Debian user, developer and translator, craftster, anarchist, social scientist, zombie-movies nerd, fan fiction addicted. Also: guitar, guitar, guitar, some trumpet, and tons of music in general.
2014-12-07T13:16:56Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
For the first time in weeks, this morning I woke up completely without migraine. Hello world, you still there? I know I am :D
Now, backlog. Gah. Or maybe I can just enjoy this day without thinking of all the mails I haven't responded to, or all the stuff I should have done?
For now, I'm just delighting my neighbours with some Count Basie & Joe Williams.
This is about retaliation. They really should stop drilling holes in the wall when I have an headache (to be fair, I always have headache, but I'm being the devil's advocate here).
#NonConsensualJazz #retaliation #EveryDayIHaveTheBlues
Ubuntu User, debexpert, dsc, Greg Grossmeier and 3 others likes this.
May the Internet...
2014-12-06T20:35:43Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
source: http://christycorr.tumblr.com/post/104043867679/madcitypaxie-i-am-to-let-you-all-know-that-this
Daniele Primon, Ubuntu User, Aleksej, Cyber Killer and 13 others likes this.
Cyber Killer, Nicola Busanello, dsc, Stephen Sekula and 2 others shared this.
Typo of the day
2014-11-21T17:14:47Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"Love you to tits"
Freudian slip? Anyway, I think I'm going to permanently adopt it.
dsc, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
Warm Darth, soft Darth
2014-11-20T12:17:18Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Back from the UK, still halfway through a huge {irc|mail|blogs} backlog, but I needed to share this beautiful free pattern for a Darth Vader quilt:
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Stephen Sekula, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.
Today's Rockabilly selection! :)
2014-10-04T11:00:30Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
I love to listen upbeat music while I'm sewing: here's a couple of rockabilly tracks in my playlist for today, enjoy!
Miss Ruby Ann - Baby I Don't Care
I've been really lucky to see her perform live at Route66 festival in Aarburg. She has an amazing voice and a good old-school vibe.
This is her cover of Carl Mann's 1960 hit and I must admit I like her version more.
The Lucky Bullets - Fire Below
Another band I had the pleasure to see live in Aarburg, and what a performance! Rockabilly from Norway, totally kicking. With this track they came 3rd on Norway's selection for Eurovision 2011.
If you get the chance, go see them live. They really put up a great show.
Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love For Evermore
If you're more on the psychobilly side, this one is good: I don't listen much psychobilly, but this one got my attention for the noir atmosphere, the contrast between the two voice, the overall mood of the video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rlYPb2plaY
Stray Cats - Fishnet Stockings
I love me some Stray Cats. I won't even start with how good they were, or how I like Setzer's projects. Or what a monster guitarist Brian Setzer is. But IMO the essence of them was the sheer fun they were having: look at them on stage, it's so evident! Also: Slim Jim's antics always crack me.
(Also: awww they were so young in this video! And I was probably 2 years old...)
Hi, my name is Zou and this November I'm going to enjoy myself!
2014-09-24T12:48:40Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
I'll be in Cambridge for the Mini DebConf: https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2014/08/msg00076.html
And then at The Specials' concert in Manchester on 11/11.
Also, Imelda May's gig in Reading on 16/11.
Can't wait! :D
(and, yes, the title of the post is a reference to "Enjoy Yourself", originally from Prince Buster, covered by The Specials)
anxel g, Dana, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Project Petticoat and Re-upholstery Day
2014-09-21T09:14:40Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Successfully archived Project Petticoat (with 21 meters of tulle and 24 of satin ribbon), now I have an historically accurate 50s petticoat. YAY!
It's been easy to sew it, just boring. I mean: gathering 21 meters of tulle, and sewing 24 meters of satin ribbon...! *shudders*But I have to say that my ribbon sewing has greatly improved after the first 10 meters...
It's a three tiers, two layers one. And it's incredibly puffy! I'm already loving it. Even if for a while my sewing really looked like wedding cake.
But now, it's time to tackle the re-upholstering of an old armchair.
I'll be following this tutorial, seems very well written and with plenty of pics:
First time re-upholstering for me, so... wish me good luck! :)Show all 5 repliesdamn .. I also have an armchair that I schould reupholdster too for years ... I wish you all the luck and courage, this is not easy task ;)
>> olm-e:
“damn .. I also have an armchair that I schould reupholdster too for years ... I wish you all the luck and courage, this is not easy task ;)”
Thanks! For now it's been boring - all the "take out the rusty nails without damaging the fabric because you'll use that as pattern" part. But I found out that it's 60 years old. How cool is that!And found a couple of old coins inside it, from before the Euro era.
>> Laura Arjona:
“Wow congrats!
I just managed, for now, to take the bottoms up from trousers.
I was thinking about sewing a thin cushion to put on top of a trunk so we can sit there, but I just noticed that I can buy two cheap chair covers and done... so I feel lazy.
Re-upholstering... it's totally out of scope for me!”
Eheh, sometimes I'm lazy as well. But the more I sew the more I find out that it makes me happy, truly happy, so I just enjoy it and do all kinds of crazy projects :).2014-09-21T06:45:37Z via Dianara CC: Public
Ubuntu User, Matteo Pani, Luis, sazius likes this.
The quick and the dead
2014-09-19T21:37:57Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Simon Pegg on why the dead should be never allowed to run.
A good analysis of something that bothers me deeply: the fast zombies.
jrobb shared this.
2014-09-19T14:40:56Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
From #debian-publicity IRC chan, discussing about publish or not a blogpost, someone asked if we should take silence as consent and...
16:08 < Cnote> Silence is just that awkward pause before you do something awesome.
(quoted with permission)
This is another reason why I love contributing to #Debian: awesome people! It made my day! :)
cmhobbs likes this.
tvincent, tvincent, tvincent shared this.
Every time I see something like this I want to get involved with the Debian community. It seems like a wonderful group of people.
cmhobbs at 2014-09-19T15:24:57Z
Francesca Ciceri likes this.
>> cmhobbs:
“Every time I see something like this I want to get involved with the Debian community. It seems like a wonderful group of people.”
Do it! We do have cookies, and some of them may be swirl shaped, thanks to @valhalla 3d printed swirl cookiecutter!Take a look here if you don't know where to start:
and the award for best genderbent sherlock cosplay goes to...
2014-09-14T19:24:16Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
... Mi-caw-ber
More pics: http://cosplayblog.tumblr.com/post/97297320595/birthday-weeks-fandoms-week-sherlock-day
(via: themarysue.com) #fandom #sherlock #cosplay
Luis, Haizea, Matt Molyneaux likes this.
slightly lovesick
2014-09-12T18:41:27Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Thrilled everytime I notice a new mail in my private inbox.
Muttering curses most of the time, since it's not what I'm waiting for.
It's been almost a week, I guess he won't write me.
also: spamassassin and I need to sit down and have a conversation on thresholds.
Important emails only arrive when you are not watching.
>> Francesca Ciceri:
“>> sazius:
“Important emails only arrive when you are not watching.”
Are they quantum-locked? :)”
Something like that... a watched pot never boils. One of those fundamental truths of the universe!And... don't blink!
JanKusanagi at 2014-09-13T00:16:11Z
Francesca Ciceri likes this.
Debconf Videoteam is awesome!
2014-08-30T16:17:17Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Here the streaming links for all the rooms: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Videostream
Here some the already (WOW!) uploaded recordings: http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/webm/ (more to come!)
So, if you enjoyed their work, leave them a message here:
(and if you really don't want to bother creating a wiki account just for that, put your message as a comment here in the same format as in the wiki (<country> - message -- <nickname>) and I'll post it there for you... because these guys and girls really deserves our thanks!)
anxel g, mray INACTIVE, Scorpio20, Artopal and 1 others likes this.
anxel g, Marcelo Santana, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz shared this.
>> olm-e:
“belgium - "thanks !" -- Olm-e”
>> Christopher Allan Webber:
“USA - great work, keep it up! :) - christopher allan webber”
added both! :)Francesca Ciceri at 2014-08-30T18:26:46Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Debian Contributors: one year later
2014-08-30T15:36:42Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"Last Debconf Debian Contributors started to take form, and now a year has passed and we have a working site.
I'm going to talk about what happened, where we are now, and where we can go with it. "
Speaker: Enrico Zini
If you are interested in how the Debian project - or any project at all - can recognize all types of contribution (not only the coding ones), take a look at this talk! It will take place today at 13:30 PDT (20:30 UTC), here the list of links for the streaming:
https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Videostream/Room327 #debconf14 #debian
ghostdancer, Scorpio20 likes this.
Vagrant says...
2014-08-30T15:26:07Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"How did you get to be this old without developing rudimentary social skills? Oh yeah, privilege." #qotd #diversity #irc
(source: vagrantc on irc #debconf channel, quoted with permission)
SombreKnave, Christopher Allan Webber, ghostdancer likes this.
I agree with privilege ack, but be careful on this one... there are quite a few people in free software who lack social skills because they're non-neurotypical. That's no excuse for asshattery of course, and I don't know the context above.
One of my very close friends who works on womens outreach lacks a lot of rudimentary social skills is very non-neurotypical and has talked to me about how she struggles with this. I wouldn't want someone like her to be excluded because this is an area difficult for her.
But yes, if it's lacking social skills because privilege has shielded you from developing social skills, that's no excuse for sure. :)
Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-08-30T15:38:23Z
Jason Self, Francesca Ciceri likes this.
>> Christopher Allan Webber:
“I agree with privilege ack, but be careful on this one... there are quite a few people in free software who lack social skills because they're non-neurotypical. That's no excuse for asshattery of course, and I don't know the context above.
One of my very close friends who works on womens outreach lacks a lot of rudimentary social skills is very non-neurotypical and has talked to me about how she struggles with this. I wouldn't want someone like her to be excluded because this is an area difficult for her.
But yes, if it's lacking social skills because privilege has shielded you from developing social skills, that's no excuse for sure. :)”
To expand on the contest, the discussion was about the "you should grow a thick skin" attitude in some communities (*cough* lkml *cough*).But you're totally right on the need to remember that lack of social skills can be not intentional, and this is way - when in doubt - I prefer to cut people some slack especially in the internet.
I guess I prefer to let someone go away with being a jerk than exclude non neurotypical people. :)
Francesca Ciceri at 2014-08-30T16:02:00Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
"every housewife and her dog have $software on their PC"
2014-08-27T12:30:42Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
"[...] every housewife and her dog have $software on their PC [...]"
Please don't.
In a public dev IRC chan, for a gnu/linux distribution with tons of users and developers, don't use this expression.
Even better think twice before writing. Because you can accidentally insult someone. Which is not cool.
Because, hey, no one knows you're a dog (or a housewife) on the internet. Or on IRC. #rant #sickofthisshit
Note to self: asking politely to not use that -or any similar - expression, because it can be read as offensive by dogs and housewives reading the logs is not a winning strategy.
They will end up making you feel like the whiny feminist bitching about every single innocent word uttered by the poor white male majority. So you can just avoid all the carefully crafted sentences and all the smilies you're using to not make them feeling attacked and just start telling them directly to fuck off.
Nicola Busanello, sazius, Raúl Benencia, SombreKnave and 4 others likes this.
Raúl Benencia, maiki, maiki, maiki and 1 others shared this.
valhalla thinks...
2014-08-27T09:43:04Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
11:01 * valhalla pensa così di sfuggita che non sarebbe male l'anno prossimo avere un mediagoblin per le foto della debconf
English version:
valhalla thinks that next year having all #debconf pics on #mediagoblin could be a good idea
(from a super-secret-very-cabalistic IRC chan, quoted with permission)
Main blocker is to get Mediagoblin (and deps) packaged for testing ASAP, so maybe for next year it can reach stable-backports and be deployed in Debian production machines.
This is work in progress #657405 and I hope it will reach Jessie before the freeze.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-08-27T11:42:39Z
Christopher Allan Webber, jrobb, Francesca Ciceri likes this.
Ready for 12th?
2014-08-23T15:05:53Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
...because I'm buzzing with excitement! :)
And I already know that I'll ♥ Capaldi. #drwho
Kyosuke likes this.
Darrel Higham on Scotty Moore's solos
2014-08-23T11:09:15Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
An in depth look at Scotty Moore's style of playing solos in his first years.
Beside being an amazing guitar player and singer, Darrel Higham is a really good teacher! He did a couple more videos dissecting some famous rockabilly solos (especially Eddie Cochran's): check them out!
Here he looks at Hound Dog, Shake Rattle & Roll, So Glad You're Mine and Too Much. The part about starting the solo with your little finger has been a revelation to me (not that I'd be able to, but still...). #music #rockabilly #guitar
Happy Birthday Debian!
2014-08-16T10:22:29Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
(This is a fake uptime screenshot, inspired by this tweet https://twitter.com/thomaskerin/status/500583639424716801 )
Luis, Dennis Zeit, Aleksej, Matteo Pani and 5 others likes this.
Eugenio M. Vigo, Elena ``of Valhalla'' shared this.
There may have been a time where high uptimes were a badge of honour but these days all it means is “look I havent patched/upgraded my kernel since xxxx”
My home server could have insane uptimes.. but I prefer to update.
Oh.. that came out sounding waaaaay more snarky then intended.. Just ment to say it's time to let the up since xxxx go.